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Fawcett Comics: Whiz Comics 030 (1942-05)
Fawcett Comics: Whiz Comics 030 (1942-05)
Fawcett Comics: Whiz Comics 030 (1942-05)
E-book67 páginas0 minuto

Fawcett Comics: Whiz Comics 030 (1942-05)

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Sobre este e-book

Stories include:
- Captain Marvel: "With a crash of thunder, mighty Captain Marvel leaps to battle!" by C. C. Beck, Pete Costanza featuring Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Billy Batson (inset)
- contents page
- Capt. Marvel: The Heritage of the Batsons by C. C. Beck featuring Captain Marvel [Billy Batson] Steamboat; B. X Batson (introduction, possibly Billy's grandfather)
- Golden Arrow: Golden Arrow Elects a Sheriff by Al Carreno
- Spy Smasher: Mr. Zero featuring Herr Zero [Carl Davis] (villain; introduction)
- Shazam! Mercury, Swifter Than Thought
- Lance O'Casey: Pearl Dive of Doom by Harry Anderson featuring Lance O'Casey; Hogan (a monkey); Aber; Suli; Meli (Suli's sister); Boss Dubbin (villain, a pearler); Hawkins (villain, reforms); Carse (villain, death)
- Dr. Voodoo: March of the Crusaders by Mark Schneider featuring Anita; Nero; Hungar (villain; introduction)
- Ibis the Invincible: The Headless Horseman by Al Carreno
Data de lançamento11 de abr. de 2014
Fawcett Comics: Whiz Comics 030 (1942-05)

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    Pré-visualização do livro

    Fawcett Comics - C. C. Beck

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