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Wake up for Ascension to a New Earth - or Leave
Wake up for Ascension to a New Earth - or Leave
Wake up for Ascension to a New Earth - or Leave
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Wake up for Ascension to a New Earth - or Leave

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There Is a Place You Can Go - That place is a New Earth free from sickness, crime, and war. The Earth is shifting to a higher vibration - from third density to fourth and fifth density. For you to survive on the New Earth you must also change your frequency to match that of the New Earth. Unless you make that change your body frequency will be incompatible with these new frequencies and you will have to leave. You have a choice, prepare to ascend or transfer to another third density planet.

Ascension is available for those who choose to move out of duality consciousness into Unity Consciousness. Dr. Pettit explains some of the requirements and preparations needed to ascend from the Old Earth.
Data de lançamento22 de set. de 2010
Wake up for Ascension to a New Earth - or Leave

Robert E. Pettit

Robert E. Pettit, PhD, was an electrical engineer, taught electronic guidance systems for the US Air Force, and High School Sciences. A University of Missouri Instructor (seven years), a Professor at Texas A&M University (twenty-six years) in Plant Sciences, and Chairman of the Board, Subtle Energy Research Corporation (eight years).

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    Wake up for Ascension to a New Earth - or Leave - Robert E. Pettit



    To a New Earth—or Leave

    Robert E. Pettit, PhD

    – Emeritus Associate Professor

    iUniverse, Inc.

    New York Bloomington


    To a New Earth - or Leave

    Copyright © 2010 by Robert E. Pettit, PhD

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4502-5561-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4502-5562-2 (ebk)

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    iUniverse rev. date: 09/10/2010



    Section I. Introduction to Waking Up

    Section II. Cyclic Nature of Creation

    Section III. Oversouls and Human Soul

    Section IV. Densities & States of Creation

    Section V. Crystal Light Body Awakening

    Section VI. Dimensional Consciousness

    Section VII. Dimensional Consciousness States

    Section VIII. Factors Affecting Ascension

    Section IX. Epilogue: Wake Up For Ascension

    Section X: References & Suggested Readings


    To each Research Associate who has participated in the Subtle Energy Research (SER) program for the past twenty years, I thank you for your dedication and the contributions that have made possible the assembly of the information presented within this book. Your suggestions of references, Internet Web sites, and workshops, in addition to your spiritual talents, have opened up many new avenues of knowing. These many insights have provided a foundation for working with subtle energy. With these insights we have been able to conduct a large number of remote spiritual healing sessions. Over these twenty years, more than 850 individuals throughout the United States have helped open up new understandings of a multitude of procedures and techniques that have helped guide the design of many research experiments. Another 255 have benefited from the results of these experiments. Many of you reading these two books can now benefit from those efforts.

    Writing and summarizing the material for this second book has also been an exercise in responsibility, dedication, discipline, awareness, and a willingness to be open to receive guidance from many Spiritual sources. This book has been designed to help those who are in the process of activating their fifth dimensional state of consciousness Light Body and are on a spiritual path to graduation, ascension, and arrival on the New Earth.

    Special thanks to the editors, Betty Pettit, Patricia Pike, Irene Jennings, Harriett Gray, Isa Ra and Kim Notz. Also a special thanks to the staff and assistants who respond to the many calls for help from throughout the United States: Larry Sorensen, Suzy London, MD, Linda Case, Francosis Pellissier, Betty Pettit, Sharon Berry, Don Yows, Jackie Cohen, Janet Rainey, Kim Notz, George Ward, Maurice Portilla, MD, Nayda Portilla, Steve Fox, Nira Granott Fox, Cheryl Bright, and Carol Handing.

    Some of the many Research Associates who assisted are:


    Thanks also to the hundreds of additional individuals throughout the United States and world who have assisted the research.

    Thanks to the faculty and staff of the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, for their encouragement and support during my twenty-seven years with them. Thanks for the grant support for research activities from many different sources. These grant funds provided an opportunity to travel, conduct research, and attend conferences in forty-four states of the United States and twenty-seven different countries of the world.

    Credit for book cover art The Blue Marble West Photo of the Earth is given to the National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center. The composite photograph was taken 700 km above Earth on board the Terra Satellite in 2001.

    Finally, I would like to thank my wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren for their support throughout the eighty years of my incarnation on planet Earth. I have been grateful for the patience, support, and encouragement of my mother and father, brother, and family, as I have journeyed down a road still unfamiliar to many others and me.

    * * * * * *

    Section I. Introduction to Waking Up

    1. Your Purpose for Being on Earth

    To Wake Up is to become aware of who you are, where you came from, your divine nature, and be in control of your life. Become aware of your habits, false beliefs, emotions, and your daily activities. Then realize how the lies, evil practices and manipulations by your controllers have taken your power away and made you a slave with a machine like existence living on automatic pilot. Those programmed patterns have caused you untold sufferings and pain. To Wake Up is to take your power back, escape from your machine like existence, protect your Soul, receive guidance from your Higher Self and prepare for ascension. To ascend means to increase your internal vibration to a higher plane of existence to experience health, peace, love, and joy. The book you are holding can help you reach these ascension goals and graduate to a New Earth.

    The author of this book has worked with his Higher Self to design each sentence and paragraph. The objective was to have my Higher Self insert additional thought forms within the text to help explain various concepts. Therefore, to receive maximum benefit during your reading, connect with your Higher Self and receive pictures, feelings, and an inner knowing that rings true to the deepest part of your being. Set aside those messages that do not ring true to you currently and move on to that inner knowing and other messages that will enlighten your path Now. If the procedure for hearing and listening to your High Self is a new concept for you, then study and follow the guidelines discussed within the later part of Section III, entitled, Role of Your Higher Self on Earth.

    A majority of humans on Earth sense that some dramatic and extraordinary changes are taking place. Some sense that time is collapsing and there is less time to complete their daily tasks. Many also observe significant social, political, economic, and environmental changes all over the world. Others realize that these changes are long overdue and must continue at an accelerated rate for many different reasons.

    What is currently unfolding upon Earth will affect every human being present, including you, regardless of what you believe. Many types of changes will take place and these changes will gradually accelerate in intensity over the next few years. To ride out these events work with Your Higher Self, that spiritual super conscious connection or guiding part of your reality. Your Higher Self knows all about your potential spiritual path. In addition, your Higher Self is aware of your illusionary past and can detect possible events coming into view. In order to accept and deal with the dramatic changes taking place on Earth you have been given an opportunity to connect with your Higher Self, to love yourself more, accept each change as it proceeds and thereby avoid all forms of fear. In addition, many parts of this book will help you better understand why these changes must take place. That knowing can help you ask the appropriate questions for assistance. Answers to those questions can help you prepare a new physical body for ascension to the New Earth.

    In addition to the social changes there are many other very significant changes taking place on Earth. There are significant physical Earth changes and climatic changes. For example, the glacial ice on Earth is melting. As a result, sea levels are rising and could cause flooding along many coastal regions. Also, the Earth is making various tectonic plate adjustments that cause earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, and abnormal weather patterns. These events will continue and cause serious challenges for many. More and more individuals are asking why all of these changes need to occur. They are also beginning to take an interest in figuring out how each change will influence their lives.

    However, many humans continue to go about their normal activities unaware that they must also change just like planet Earth is changing. Unless you change your consciousness to be in harmony with Earth then your other option is to die, leave your body on Earth and move into the astral plane to make other choices.

    The old third dimension Earth has been severely damaged by humans, consequently it will cease to exist in its present form. Earth will soon be unable to support the large population of physical life forms. Damage from water pollution via oil spills, volcanic ash, garbage, industrial waste, chemical pesticides, and toxic heavy metals are destroying the water, air and soil. To take the place of the old damaged Earth a new higher frequency fourth dimensional Earth is forming.

    There are many different reasons for these upcoming changes. Many of these reasons are locked into place by cosmic cyclic patterns that cannot be changed. Several of these cyclic patterns and reasons for The Shift will be discussed within this book. In addition, my Higher Self will provide information on how you can prepare for the New Earth and what your responsibilities are for your family and friends.

    The Creators of this Universe have recently made several important decisions that will affect everyone on Earth. The Creators now realize that there is a limit to how much additional spiritual value can be obtained from this third dimension experiment. Thus, it is time to change the parameters of the experiment. Second, the Creators have made the decision to provide a new transition option at the end of this current age in 2012. That new option has been made available to your Higher Self and Spirit connection to Source. You may have difficulty understanding, this option when you first become aware of it. The option involves making a decision to obtain a new physical body and take it with you to the New Earth. That New Earth will be in the fourth-fifth density and exhibits a higher dimensional state of consciousness (DMC). Shifting to this higher dimension will allow humanity to change the societal parameters. Then the old experiment will be phased out and a new experiment begun. Your choice to prepare a new body will allow you to live and avoid the destruction that takes place at the end of the age, every 26,000 years.

    All individuals who have chosen to graduate and ascend are collectively working together, helping create that New Earth. That new Earth will be quite different. There are many books and internet websites available to help you understand what the New Earth will be like.

    Many individual humans have been preparing for these upcoming changes for many lifetimes. Since you have picked up this book to read, you are most likely one of those who has been preparing for graduation and ascension. Others may need your help as you are gaining a better understanding about how to prepare. Preparations will need to take place within a multitude of your daily activities. The primary changes will be internal, a change within your inner consciousness that will need to be in harmony with the consciousness of the New Earth. You will need to change your beliefs and the way you have lived in the past. The old conservative behavior patterns will be of limited value in the near future. Repeat, the required changes will be internal, not external. Thus, there is no need to hide within the Earth for safety. However, there will be areas upon the Earth’s surface that will be relatively safe.

    For many, one of their first challenges is, if I am interested in physically surviving and would like to transition to the New Earth, what should I do to qualify? To qualify is much more involved than merely taking care of your physical body. However, taking care of your physical body will be important if you want to take it with you. You will also need to take care of many of your other bodies, especially your Soul body, emotional body and mental body. The task is not about the physical survival of your body, alone. To survive physically you will need to take care of your Soul body, bring all of your Soul fragments and facets back together in a functional pattern and know what conscious survival means.

    One important question you can ask is; have I become entranced with the physical third dimensional world of physical things? Am I mainly going through life using my five senses to determine how to face each new day? That task involves understanding your spiritual nature. First, gain an understanding of why you came to Earth in the first place.

    If you lack that understanding because of limiting beliefs, then the possibility exists that you are essentially asleep consciously. You may be unaware that a shift in consciousness will be required for your survival. Many are asleep because they have given their power away by following established customs, false beliefs, and the manipulations by others whose objectives were to control your thinking and decision-making processes.

    One good example of manipulation and control is the skyrocketing business of caring for the sick and dying. One of the largest businesses in the United States is the health care (medical) establishment. Individuals by the thousands are flocking to doctors and hospitals in an attempt to maintain a healthy body. In order to feel good and limit their disease symptoms many have given their power over to the doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. Under some circumstances that approach could be a serious mistake, be quite expensive, and cause many adverse side effects. A majority of those individuals who seek medical care have forgotten that it is their responsibility to take care of their own health. They have allowed those illusionary health care systems to control their behavior patterns instead of using natural systems to create wellness.

    There is much more than the physical world, which you can detect with your five senses. There is an invisible spirit world all around you that is just waiting for your awareness. To understand the reality of the physical world you are required to tap into that invisible unseen world of thoughts, and the unseen world of spirit. Within the unseen world of spirit, you can discover who you are, where you came from, and where you are going. Obviously when you stop long enough to think clearly, you are aware of that unseen world just waiting for your recognition.

    A majority of scientists, historians, theologians, philosophers, channelers, and many others realize there is an unseen world that is just as real as the physical world. That unseen world can help you in many ways. The important spiritual injunction Ask and ye shall receive is one extremely important part of your pathway to maintaining a new healthy body, for graduation and ascension. That injunction will also be very helpful as an aid in your preparation for a Crystalline Light Body and the importance of making connection to Source energy. Remember man does not live by bread alone. You need spiritual energy, in part obtained during delta sleep time when your bodies are recharged energetically.

    All Spirits and Souls inhabiting human body vehicles are believed and known to have originated from ALL-THAT-IS, Light-Source- Energy, The Creators, God/Goddess, and/or other very advanced Entities within the spiritual realms.

    Each individual spirit with a Soul inhabiting a physical body has an evolutionary purpose. Your purpose for being on Earth is known by your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is a very important part of your multidimensional reality. To proceed along your spiritual path involves listening to your Higher Self for guidance. Most humans came to Earth to discover their purpose, learn how to create, evolve spiritually and find their way back home. Your Higher Self is present to help with that task.

    The lower frequencies of Earth, previously third dimensional consciousness (DMC) is typical of several planets within this Universe. Upon these planets, there is linear time, duality, and separations that offer each Soul unique opportunities for evolutionary development. That development involves learning to create in a density where time and space appear real. Time allows each individual a sequential framework for manipulating matter and thus making various physical creations.

    When we each came into the lower third dimensional world, we lost our conscious memory of many previous experiences. We also forgot our spiritual path and have difficulty remembering our currently designed and approved Earthly contract for this lifetime.

    You may also have taken on additional challenges when you gave your power away to many different controllers. Those controllers, like your parents, schoolteachers, doctors and ministers believed they knew what was best for you. Frequently, you believed their instruction without question. As a result, your free will has been greatly restricted, even taken away in many cases. One purpose of the controllers was to instill fears within your consciousness as a means of manipulation and control. That process takes away one’s free will. That sequence of events has adversely influenced many humans on Earth and slowed their spiritual evolution.

    Many humans are unsure what they should be doing while here on Earth. In part, this is because they have forgotten their contracts. Their attention has been diverted since no one talked about their contracts. All of the confusing guidance from their parents, schools, doctors, ministers, politicians, etc. has diverted them from their chosen path. These diversions have failed to create happiness and a sense of well being. Consequently, very few individuals realize that their most important task on Earth was to experience joy, be happily, follow their contracts and evolve spiritually.

    Assuming that this is a valid truth, then another very important question is; what is the most appropriate way for me to evolve spiritually? That question suggests another question. Assuming that one of my goals is to shift to a higher state of dimensional consciousness (DMC) and thereby evolve spiritually, then the question is, what are my requirements for making a shift in consciousness?

    Before coming to Earth, you resided within a higher state of dimensional consciousness (DMC) called the astral or spiritual plane. Within that plane, you had greatly expanded capabilities to know and understand. In order to incarnate within the third DMC on Earth a part of your multidimensional nature moved out of the higher states of DMC to inhabit a low frequency third DMC dense physical body.

    Now you are faced with evolving back to the higher frequencies of the fourth DMC and above. To accomplish that task your sensing system, DNA, brain capabilities and consciousness will have to be altered to accept those higher frequencies. Your ability to understand duality concepts within the lower dimension will need to be replaced with a heightened state of awareness and new intuitive skills to function within the higher DMCs. As you obtain these intuitive skills, they will allow you to know many thoughts, feelings, troubles and challenges of others. Within the higher states of consciousness, there is no deception and no desire for deception. There are no secrets. Thus within those higher frequencies, personal integrity will always be very important.

    Also, when you previously resided within the higher states of DMC, your Soul experiences were limited because of a lack of duality concepts; you had a limited amount of polarity. Thus, within the higher states of consciousness there were very few challenges to keep you occupied. Therefore, to experience various challenges you and I actually volunteered to come to the low frequency Earth. Before we arrived, we were informed that Earth was a place with many helpful challenges. Once we arrived, we understood that we could fine-tune our desire to explore and thereby evolve spiritually. Also, we believed that by working through these challenges, we could learn to create, and by controlling our mental and emotional bodies, we could accelerate our spiritual growth.

    Your willingness to volunteer to come to Earth was a part of an experiment. When you shifted down to the third DMC frequencies and duality consciousness you were required give up portions of your memory and forget your other lives. You started this life with somewhat of a clean slate consciously. Thus, you were free to explore and try many different patterns of behavior.

    To gain approval to come to Earth you agreed to separate from your higher states of dimensional consciousness.

    Within the third DMC, a lack of knowing along with pain and suffering have created many challenges that have forced you and groups of Souls, to seek out solutions to those challenges. Meeting the challenges and coming up with solutions is what you came to Earth to experience. That process has rapidly accelerated the evolutionary status of Earth’s inhabitants. That is, compared to the spiritual progress you were making within the higher DMCs.

    To gain approval to come to Earth you agreed to separate from your higher states of DMC and accept your lower states of mind. These lower states of mind contain a strong element of dysfunction, a collective mental illness. Christians call this dysfunction sin. My Higher Self more accurately translates sin as, to miss the mark. Some of these dysfunctions (limitations) have been purposely implanted in the human energy system to slow spiritual development.

    For example, your Soul has been unevenly distributed within your physical body. Generally, a larger percentage of your Soul lies on the left side of the body. As a result, humans live out of balance unskillfully and/or blindly, thus, they suffer and cause suffering. These dysfunctional behaviors include inflicting harm on other life forms, people, animals, plants, the Earth, and the solar system. These lower dysfunctional states also instill fear, greed, and desire for power. Consequently, these motivating patterns help bring about unhealthy human relationships.

    These dysfunctional patterns appear to have been carried over from our many parallel past and future realities, into the current Now time frame. As these dysfunctions surface, they manifest in many ways such as sickness, crime, planning sexual strategies, being critical, defending your space, conducting war, and pollution of the soil, air, and water. We humans appear to create self-inflicted punishments for the lessons involved. Each of us chose to create all of these dysfunctional features of third dimensional duality consciousness, so we could develop solutions. Those dysfunctional states of consciousness, sometime called discordant programs, will need to be removed to facilitate your graduation and ascension to the fifth dimensional state of consciousness.

    Part of your challenge is your lack of understanding about the invisible world called the Quantum World. To comprehend that world will require a new way of viewing everything that has become so familiar. You will be required to develop an ability to view much more than your physical reality picked up by your physical sensing system. You will need to perfect your internal sensing system to remote view, time travel, bi-locate, confer with spirit guides, angels and your Higher Self.

    Before you were born physically and incarnated within a physical body, you existed in some other energetic form. Many call that form a spirit form. That spirit form is the Real You. The physical body is merely a vehicle for carrying around your spirit. Your spirit had quantum features within the higher dimensions before your arrival on Earth. You will need to regain those quantum features when you ascend back to the higher dimensions. What does it mean to have quantum features? In addition, even if you do have quantum features, what difference does that make? You will need to answer those two questions as soon as possible; to help you make your shift into the higher states of consciousness.

    By understanding some basic features of the quantum world, you can gain a better understanding of why you are here and what is currently taking place throughout the Milky Way Galaxy, the solar system and on Earth. To understand the quantum world will take some effort. However, that effort will pay you many significant dividends.

    Your willingness to choose to understand or just forget the whole idea of trying to figure out what is happening, will determine your future survival (or lack thereof) and your potential to transition to a New Earth. Everyone on Earth has been and is constantly faced with making decisions and choices. The process of making choices is one of humanity’s major activities. One major choice, now available will be the most important choices you will make during this lifetime.

    You have come to a point in the history of the Earth where you will be required to make a serious choice whether you want to or not. You could just avoid making the most important choice of your life. You could choose the easy way and refuse to make a choice. That will be a choice. You could even stop reading now and fail to know what that important choice is. Then you could carry on as usual and be unprepared for the greatest change that has taken place on Earth, within the past 26,000 years.

    The coming change goes by many names. Some have called the change The End of The Age, others The Shift, and some religious groups call it The Rapture. Regardless of what name you use to describe the coming events, between 2012 and 2020 everyone will experience many dramatic changes. Those changes will influence every aspect of your life upon planet Earth and beyond. A very descriptive term that my Higher Self prefers to use to describe the upcoming anticipated events is The Shift of the Ages.

    After 2012, all existing evidence indicates the world you have become so familiar with will gradually disappear and a new world will appear. The native Indians refer to this as the coming of the fifth world. Each of the past four worlds ended and began again, many years later, following dramatic environmental changes. Recall the history of Earth concerning the flood, the ice age, pole shifts, volcanic eruptions and other dramatic events that occurred following the ends of previous ages. If you plan to survive these coming evolutionary changes, you will have to change the way you now live and you have lived for many centuries.

    As an aid in understanding these changes realize that everything you sense is composed of many complex energy patterns. The human energy system is composed of a multitude of energy frequencies within various dimensional designs. Thus, the human energy bodies as a group have been called multidimensional. You are much more than a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body. You are made up of many different parallel realities all of which make up your multidimensional features. To come to the realization of how complex you are should spur you on to realize that you have more to take care of than just your physical body.

    Your old beliefs of what is true and false will have to be studied carefully for their accuracy and many beliefs removed.

    In addition to taking care of your spiritual body, you also have a responsibility to give high priority in taking care of your Soul Body and Emotional Body. Your energy system is composed of over twenty bodies that need your attention. If you are not familiar with all of your energy bodies, may I suggest you make an effort to study about each one and how they function together to create your realty. The physical body you spend so much time thinking about is less than one percent of your reality.

    One of your first steps in preparing for the future is to realize that your consciousness determines your future experiences. One of your major purposes for coming to Earth was to evolve consciously.

    To change consciously means to become more alert and change the way you think and act. For the majority of people to make that shift in consciousness, they will be required to change their beliefs. Many of your old beliefs of what is true and false will have to be studied carefully for their accuracy and many beliefs removed. One test you can make is to determine if each belief meets the requirements to help you make a meaningful shift in consciousness. In a majority of the cases, this means going into your conscious and subconscious minds to analyze what is there. Then measure those beliefs in comparison with the true meaning of Love for self and others. Any judgmental negative false belief that does not pass the test of Love will need to be cleared from both minds.

    That clearing process also means that you will need to wake up to fine tune your discernment capabilities and take on new beliefs that are more accurate. Your new beliefs will of necessity help you understand what it means to go through a dimensional shift in consciousness. Those new beliefs will also help you anticipate and prepare for The Shift or the upcoming End of The Age events.

    When you made your recent decision to incarnate on Earth, (during the end of several Universal Cycles) your spiritual self realized that Earth would go through some dramatic changes during this current lifetime. You also realized there would be an opportunity to graduate and ascend together with many others. That mass ascension event was scheduled to allow an undetermined percentage of Earth’s population to simultaneously graduate and ascend. That is, energetic conditions have been changing in order to prepare for mass (millions simultaneously) physical body ascensions. All major projections indicate there is a very high probability that during this historical period planet Earth will ascend first. Then each human present who has prepared will be allowed to pass through a dimensional doorway (portal) to a New Earth.

    To transition from one density or dimensional state of consciousness to the next higher dimensional state will require a specialized degree of internal accomplishments and/or internal preparations. To ascend through the portal into the next density will involve meeting specific requirements. Those unprepared will not be allowed to pass through the portal, for obvious reasons. Your energetic vibrations must match those of the New Earth for you to pass through the portals and physically survive.

    An analysis of human activities upon planet Earth indicates that a majority of the human population (65% - 70%) are either spiritually asleep or have forgotten about their spiritual contract. Each human present came to Earth with a contract worked out with the help of their Higher Self and a spiritual committee. Many do not remember their contract, thus they are unaware of their current purpose for being on Earth. Everyone should inquire of their Higher Self as to the extent they are following their contract and what portion of that contract remains to be completed.

    Every human, animal and plant came here to Earth for a purpose. Since all of these creations came from One Source of Light, all creative components are interconnected. In addition, each creation now senses the current third density duality experiment on Earth is ending. This experiment has been relatively successful. In other words, many individuals currently on Earth have evolved spiritually, and they are ready to graduate and move on to experience additional meaningful activities.

    In connection with the many up-coming changes, we received a channeled message from Mother Earth on May 24, 2010. Yes, Mother Earth has consciousness and can communicate with sensitive humans. The following message was sent to the oil industries, bankers, military leaders, political leaders, subversive agencies, pharmaceutical industry, religious leaders and others supporting darkness on planet Earth.

    "Some of you will act, some will react and hopefully you will respond. I have tolerated abuse of the air, water and earth long enough. That toleration has come to an end. I am myself responding. There may be loss of life, massive loss of income and dire consequences to all of you that continue to put greed, power and control first.

    Those of you who choose to take the more evolved path will be richly rewarded on many, many levels. Earth is at a point to demand a show of which direction you will take. This is not a threat; this is simply a heads up. You will no longer be allowed to desecrate the land, oceans or my valuable resources.

    My resources are essential for me to function efficiently. The oil is unnecessary at this time as you have adequate and superior technology available at this moment to be able to supersede any use of oil. Using my oceans as a trash heap is unacceptable. Killing my wildlife, whether in the ocean or on land is unacceptable.

    This message will also go off planet to any of those who are masterminding and string pulling from other galaxies. The Galactic Federation, the Christ council and the Archangelic realm along with the Ascended Masters have decreed this message.

    And so beloved beings, it is YOUR CHOICE. Those who wish to ascend can come and play in the new paradigm. Those who wish to remain with the old status quo may also do that, this is a free will planet. Just know your consequences. If you show greed and chaos, (the consequences) will be amplified 10 fold during this year alone. Those who are on a positive compassionate path will find peace, love, joy and prosperity accelerating up to100 fold.

    Many strange and puzzling things have been playing out and the more you have tried to solve the puzzling, the more confused things have become. The secret is to take a rest from everything. Find a quiet and tranquil place where you can be at peace and enjoy the birds, insects, flowers, trees and the clouds with rain dropping on your face. Allow yourself to be in an observational and detached mode."

    The coming End of The Age is not the end of the world. The coming events are the ending of one age and the beginning of a completely new and different age. The old third dimension Earth has been severely damaged by human activities. Consequently, in order to survive the Earth has chosen to shift from third density to fourth density. Several years after the shift to fourth density, the Earth will shift again. The next shift will be from fourth density to the fifth density. That shift will be several years in the future. As a result, of the Earth’s shifts, you have an opportunity to shift with the planet and transition to the new fifth dimensional Earth.

    The End of The Age has been correlated with planet Earth’s cyclic movement within the Milky Way Galaxy. The solar system is moving out of a dark period into a light period. A massive band of light called the Photon Belt will support the light period for the coming 2,160 years. Those photons (light particles) will supply your future energy. Currently your survival on Earth is due to the availability of photons stored within green plant tissues. Those red light particles (photons) are stored in the plant tissue because of their absorption by the chlorophyll molecule. Remember the green leaf reflects green wavelengths of light and absorbs the red wavelengths. Once you consume various plant-derived foods, those stored red wavelengths of light called photons are released into your cells to supply needed high phosphate bound energy packets called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine di-phosphate (ADP).

    To be a part of this New Earth and evolve consciously will require that you shift from third density to fourth density and on to fifth density. Those shifts in density are an inside job involving a shift in consciousness from third DMC to fourth-fifth DMC. Note that frequency, density, and levels of dimensional consciousness are different concepts. These concepts are correlated and will be discussed in more detail later.

    To make your shift in consciousness will require that you have an interest in graduating and ascending. Then you will need to awaken and activate your Crystalline Light Body as outlined in Section V. That procedure involves preparing for the new energies coming from the Great Central Sun and Photon Belt. These new high frequency energies are currently changing the energetic makeup of everything on every planet within the solar system. Thus for you to ascend with the solar system and Earth you will need to be open to receive those higher frequency energies. If your energies fail to match those of the Earth, -- the other primary alternative you have is to die and leave your physical body on Earth.

    Once your physical body dies then your spirit will pass over into and beyond the veil into the fourth density spirit (astral) realm. Then you will have other choices and decisions to make concerning your future spiritual evolution. For example, you could incarnate on another third density planet and continue your lower frequency duality based challenges.

    To make your transition and graduate from third dimension to fifth dimension Earth will require fine-tuning your

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