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The Agra Double Murder: A Crime of Passion from the Raj
Lessons for Mrs Hauksbee: Tales of Passion, Intrigue and Scandal
Travels With a Donkey in the Cévennes
Series de e-book4 títulos

Ruskin Bond Selection Series

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Sobre esta série

King Karna is fried every morning to provide a fakir’s breakfast, but finds that there is a more generous ruler than he; Raja Rasalu becomes a jogi just for a glimpse of the fair Queen Sundaran; a rat thinks he drives a good bargain, but is astonished when his bargaining brings him a bride; and a bulbul pines for green chilies from the gar

Data de lançamento10 de set. de 2017
The Agra Double Murder: A Crime of Passion from the Raj
Lessons for Mrs Hauksbee: Tales of Passion, Intrigue and Scandal
Travels With a Donkey in the Cévennes

Títulos nesta série (4)

  • Travels With a Donkey in the Cévennes


    Travels With a Donkey in the Cévennes
    Travels With a Donkey in the Cévennes

    In 1878, Robert Louis Stevenson, author of classics such as Kidnapped and Treasure Island, embarked on a walking tour of the Cévennes, a mountainous region in south-central France. His travelling companion was Modestine, a diminutive donkey with a mind of her own who, over the course of the journey, bore s

  • The Agra Double Murder: A Crime of Passion from the Raj


    The Agra Double Murder: A Crime of Passion from the Raj
    The Agra Double Murder: A Crime of Passion from the Raj

    In 1909, Augusta Fullam, an English memsahib in Meerut, shocked polite English society by falling in love with Dr Clark, an Anglo-Indian of dubious reputation. Clark had long been unhappy in his marriage and upon meeting her, he instigated the double murder of their respective spouses. They conspired to slowly poison Mr Fullam. Bafflingly, Mrs F

  • Lessons for Mrs Hauksbee: Tales of Passion, Intrigue and Scandal


    Lessons for Mrs Hauksbee: Tales of Passion, Intrigue and Scandal
    Lessons for Mrs Hauksbee: Tales of Passion, Intrigue and Scandal

    Much of what we know about the everyday life of the British Raj comes from Rudyard Kipling, one of the keenest observers of nineteenth century India. He is at his best when writing about the men and women who worked, lived, loved and died together; their indiscretions and foibles; flirtations and passions.  In this collection, we meet

  • Shehzadi Mircha: Folktales from the Punjab


    Shehzadi Mircha: Folktales from the Punjab
    Shehzadi Mircha: Folktales from the Punjab

    King Karna is fried every morning to provide a fakir’s breakfast, but finds that there is a more generous ruler than he; Raja Rasalu becomes a jogi just for a glimpse of the fair Queen Sundaran; a rat thinks he drives a good bargain, but is astonished when his bargaining brings him a bride; and a bulbul pines for green chilies from the gar


Cecil Walsh

'Cecil Walsh' (1869-1946) was a judge of the High Court in the northwest provinces of India before Independence. His other works include 'Indian Village Crimes' and 'The Advocate: His Aims and Aspirations'.

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