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Lazy Lama looks at Bodhichitta: Awakening Compassion and Wisdom
Lazy Lama looks at The Four Noble Truths
Lazy Lama looks at Meditation
Series de e-book8 títulos

Lazy Lama series

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Sobre esta série

"I think everything that we need to improve our world, our society and our humanity is in the Six Paramitas. These practices can make our lives good temporarily, as well as bringing lasting peace and happiness. 

This is an approach based on compassion, on wishing to help not only myself, but all of us together. The attitude is not "I

Data de lançamento1 de ago. de 2022
Lazy Lama looks at Bodhichitta: Awakening Compassion and Wisdom
Lazy Lama looks at The Four Noble Truths
Lazy Lama looks at Meditation

Títulos nesta série (8)

  • Lazy Lama looks at Meditation


    Lazy Lama looks at Meditation
    Lazy Lama looks at Meditation

    In this book Ringu Tulku brings us directly and lightheartedly to the point of Buddhist meditation: it helps to develop the two positive life enhancing qualities that lie naturally within us, clarity of mind and kindness for self and others. He reminds us that through meditation we can come to understand how the interconnectedness of all things

  • Lazy Lama looks at Bodhichitta: Awakening Compassion and Wisdom


    Lazy Lama looks at Bodhichitta: Awakening Compassion and Wisdom
    Lazy Lama looks at Bodhichitta: Awakening Compassion and Wisdom

    Bodhichitta literally means 'mind of awakening'. It is the awakening of compassion and wisdom - the great compassionate wish for the wellbeing of all sentient beings, combined with the understanding of how that wish may be fulfilled. Ringu Tulku discusses the profound ideal of bodhichitta in an accessible and friendly way that brings it wi

  • Lazy Lama looks at The Four Noble Truths


    Lazy Lama looks at The Four Noble Truths
    Lazy Lama looks at The Four Noble Truths

    All Buddhist practice is for the purpose of working to become free of the basic problem of suffering, and it's all based on the possibility of an inner transformation, the transformation of our perception, our view. If we can let go of the state of mind which is always in turmoil, always either running away from something or running after

  • Lazy Lama looks at Living without fear and anger


    Lazy Lama looks at Living without fear and anger
    Lazy Lama looks at Living without fear and anger

    For most of us, expressing anger and being on the receiving end of anger are commonplace experiences. We normally don't give too much thought to how it impacts upon others or how we ourselves are affected. Here Ringu Tulku shows how fear prompts anger and how our protective self righteousness can prevent us from recognising the suffering of

  • O Lama Preguicoso gala sobre Viver sem Medo e sem Cólera


    O Lama Preguicoso gala sobre Viver sem Medo e sem Cólera
    O Lama Preguicoso gala sobre Viver sem Medo e sem Cólera

    Para a maioria de nós, exprimir a cólera e ser alvo dela são experiências comuns. Normalmente, não nos detemos a pensar o impacto que tem nos outros ou em nós mesmos. Neste livro, Ringu Tulku mostra como o medo desencadeia a cólera e como a certeza de termos razão nos impede de reconhecermos o sofrimento de quem está sob o efeito da cólera. De f

  • Lazy Lama looks at Relaxing in Natural Awareness


    Lazy Lama looks at Relaxing in Natural Awareness
    Lazy Lama looks at Relaxing in Natural Awareness

    This book looks at how we can experience our true nature, starting with learning how to relax. This is the art and heart of meditation. But all too often people become discouraged or lose focus when they start to meditate, especially when they find they don't make the kind of progress they were expecting to. Rather than providing us with a forma

  • Lazy Lama looks at Loving Kindness: Our true brave heart


    Lazy Lama looks at Loving Kindness: Our true brave heart
    Lazy Lama looks at Loving Kindness: Our true brave heart

    In this seventh booklet in the Lazy Lama series, Ringu Tulku looks at how we all need love and asks us to consider the benefits of generating loving kindness for each other. But how can we, as imperfect human beings, off er even an 'imperfect' love, and is that enough? Yes, says Rinpoche, we can and should start from where we are. We can off er

  • Lazy Lama looks at The Six Paramitas


    Lazy Lama looks at The Six Paramitas
    Lazy Lama looks at The Six Paramitas

    "I think everything that we need to improve our world, our society and our humanity is in the Six Paramitas. These practices can make our lives good temporarily, as well as bringing lasting peace and happiness.  This is an approach based on compassion, on wishing to help not only myself, but all of us together. The attitude is not "I


Ringu Tulku

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche is a Tibetan Buddhist Master of the Kagyu Order. He was trained in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism under many great masters including HH the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa and HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. He took his formal education at Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, Sikkim and Sampurnananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi, India. He served as Tibetan Textbook Writer and Professor of Tibetan Studies in Sikkim for 25 years.Since 1990, he has been travelling and teaching Buddhism and meditation in Europe, America, Canada, Australia and Asia. He participates in various interfaith and 'Science and Buddhism' dialogues and is the author of several books on Buddhist topics. These include Path to Buddhahood, Daring Steps, The Ri-me Philosophy of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great, Confusion Arises as Wisdom, the Lazy Lama series and the Heart Wisdom series, as well as several children's books, available in Tibetan and European languages.He founded the organisations: Bodhicharya - see www.bodhicharya.organd Rigul Trust - see www.rigultrust.org

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