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8 Chaves da Felicidade: Descobrindo a Alegria no Dia a Dia
8 Chaves da Felicidade: Descobrindo a Alegria no Dia a Dia
8 Chaves da Felicidade: Descobrindo a Alegria no Dia a Dia
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8 Chaves da Felicidade: Descobrindo a Alegria no Dia a Dia

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Sobre este audiobook

Este audiolivro é narrado por uma voz digital.

Este livro convida os leitores a uma jornada transformadora em direção a uma vida mais feliz e realizada. Com oito chaves essenciais, oferece sabedoria prática e estratégias para cultivar a felicidade em cada aspecto da vida diária.

Data de lançamento29 de abr. de 2024

Ranjot Singh Chahal

Ranjot Singh Chahal, also known as Jot Chahal, is a talented author and poet hailing from the Mansa district of Punjab. He recently completed his studies at Cardiff Met University, where he pursued a Master of Science (MSc) in IT Management course. Currently residing in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, Ranjot has established himself as a rising star in the literary world. Ranjot's books have garnered immense popularity for their thought-provoking content, which reflects his unique perspective on life. His writings encompass a collection of poetry and quotes that explore spirituality, philosophy, and personal experiences. Through his work, Ranjot has successfully bridged the gap between traditional and contemporary literature, attracting a wide audience. Belonging to a Sikh family, Ranjot holds a deep reverence for the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of his community. He infuses this reverence into his writings, which further adds depth and originality to his work. Ranjot's books are published in Punjabi, English, and Hindi, making them accessible to readers from diverse backgrounds. Ranjot Singh Chahal's literary contributions have gained recognition and appreciation worldwide. With his passion and dedication to his craft, he continues to inspire and enlighten readers with his words. As a recent graduate of the MSc IT Management course at Cardiff Met University, Ranjot is poised to leave a lasting impact in the world of literature while also pursuing his interests in the field of information technology.

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