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As Aventuras do Gastão na Coreia do Sul 2a Edição: AS AVENTURAS DO GASTÃO, #3
As Aventuras do Gastão na Coreia do Sul 2a Edição: AS AVENTURAS DO GASTÃO, #3
As Aventuras do Gastão na Coreia do Sul 2a Edição: AS AVENTURAS DO GASTÃO, #3
E-book72 páginas

As Aventuras do Gastão na Coreia do Sul 2a Edição: AS AVENTURAS DO GASTÃO, #3

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The second edition, As Aventuras do Gastão na Coreia do Sul 2a Edição, is even more beautiful thanks to all the new illustrations that have been added. The fresh, vibrant images bring a fun approach for young readers, making this book enjoyable and lively with a curious-eyed Portuguese boy who loves travelling! Gastão's always on-the go, whether it be exploring ancient palaces or enjoying the best street foods in South Korea. Your children can join Gastão as he explores and learns about the rich culture and history that this country has to offer. The Aventuras do Gastão series is a perfect way to encourage young people's passions about life outside our own backyard or local community. Now come along with Gastão on another amazing journey!

Data de lançamento25 de jul. de 2022
As Aventuras do Gastão na Coreia do Sul 2a Edição: AS AVENTURAS DO GASTÃO, #3

Ingrid Seabra

Ingrid Seabra has always been captivated by the world of numbers and problem-solving. After completing her studies in statistics at the prestigious Salamanca University in Spain, she embarked on a career as a credit risk analyst at Barclays Bank in the UK. Her journey then led her to Germany, where she served as a statistician for the European Central Bank (ECB), meticulously analyzing data on eurozone economies. Having gained invaluable experience in the banking and finance sector, Ingrid transitioned to the realm of scientific research. As a senior biostatistician at BIAL Pharmaceuticals in Portugal, she played a pivotal role in conducting clinical trials and authoring scientific publications. Today, Ingrid wears multiple hats as an author, educator, and consultant in the fields of mathematics and statistics. She delves into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence, exploring its potential applications in business and education. Passionate about enhancing educational experiences for children and young adults through AI, Ingrid frequently writes about technology and education. In addition to her professional pursuits, Ingrid co-authors the engaging children's travel book series "As Aventuras do Gastão". A seasoned traveler with a keen interest in learning about diverse cultures, she hopes to inspire young readers to embark on their own global adventures.

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    As Aventuras do Gastão na Coreia do Sul 2a Edição - Ingrid Seabra

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