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E-book31 páginas34 minutos


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The purpose of this book is to bring people back into what God really wants from us → relationship with Him. Since the beginning God intended to have an intimate fellowship with us, but we strayed from Him when sin entered into our lives. Through the book of Hosea, the LORD shows us how He cares for us, how He loves us so unconditionally and how He longs and awaits our returning to Him. Come and know the LORD. My prayer is that these small Bible studies be a blessing to all who read them bringing everyone closer to God. God longs for us to be near Him. And I hope this intimacy with Him turn out to be the air we breathe. God bless you! Ali P. Bechel
Data de lançamento22 de out. de 2013

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    Hosea - Ali P. Bechel

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