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Entendendo o uso do ING – English Podcast #13

Entendendo o uso do ING – English Podcast #13

DeEnglish Podcast

Entendendo o uso do ING – English Podcast #13

DeEnglish Podcast

32 minutos
29 de jan. de 2013
Episódio de podcast


Olá, amigos do English Experts! O bate-papo de hoje é sobre o -ING, quando falamos dele lembramos logo do gerúndio que em português são as terminações -ando, -endo e -indo. Mas não vamos falar só sobre o gerúndio, vamos abordar várias de suas aplicações. Acredite! Essas três letrinhas são responsáveis por dezenas e dezenas de perguntas na comunidade.

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Participaram do Programa

Adir Ferreira (professor de inglês) e criador do Adir Ferreira Idiomas.
Ana Luiza (professora de inglês) e criadora do blog Inglês Online.
Alessandro Brandão (host) coordenador do English Experts.

Links discutidos no podcast

Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice
Como pronunciar o "ING" no final das palavras em inglês
Podcast com o professor Steve Ford (part 3 of 3)
Dica de pronúncia inglesa: leave e live
Você já usa -ING como substantivo no inglês?
Como eu uso a forma -ING como sujeito da frase?
Usos da terminação -ing
Global McDonald's commercial: I'm lovin' it
English Made in Brazil: verbos que podem ser seguidos pelo -ing
Stative Verbs
Uso do "ING" depois de verbos
Gerúndio no início de frases em inglês
Preposições + ING
Facebook Inglês Online
Facebook Adir Ferreira Idiomas

Trecho em inglês: Ana entrevistando Steve Ford
(Ana) So, it's great to have you back Steve.
(Steve) Oh! Great to be here.
(Ana) ...a little question here: How to use ING in English? And that’s another big topic, I guess.
(Steve) That’s an excellent question. It’s an excellent question. And I have something to say about that, because I have heard some people trying to imitate the ING sound in relaxed American speech, so they’ll say ‘workin’, ‘talkin’. Which is great, you know, when we speak informally in American speech we use that. The danger is to use that all the time.
And I have heard some people, you know, they try to speak like a native speaker and that becomes their normal, you know? So they say “Hi Steve, I’m workin’ on this and then I’m doin’ that”, and, I mean, here in North America we use that to kind of sound cute, to sound informal sometimes, but, you know, not all the time. It’s, it’s something that, you know, just like in Portuguese, you wouldn’t be at work saying to your boss “Can I have some dinheirinho?”, you know.
(Ana) Oh, OK.
(Steve) So that’s the equivalent in English. You should really try to pronounce the ING sound in English… semi-formal or formal contexts.
(Ana) OK. Can you say the two versions for us?
(Steve) Sure. “I’m working”. So you can hear this… it’s more complete, ING, you know? It’s more alongated. And “I’m workin’”
So maybe that guy, that business executive… He is working on Wall Street, and maybe there’s somebody who’s workin’, workin’ in the streets. So you really wanna be careful, ’cause as I said, I have noticed some non-native speakers trying to sound like a native speaker and using workin’ and doin’ for everything. Be careful.
(Ana) Alright!
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English Podcast no iTunes
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André Oliveira
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29 de jan. de 2013
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