GuidepostsLeitura de 4 mins
Family Room ®
Patti Jo Caterson’s (Harold and Me, page 18) mission to honor World War II veteran Harold Gary continues. On May 13, 2023, Harold donned a cap and gown and received his college diploma, almost 80 years later than planned. In 1941, he’d enrolled at Br
GuidepostsLeitura de 2 mins
My mother, Barbara, who turns 91 years old this summer, has read your devotional Walking in Grace (formerly known as Daily Guideposts) every morning for longer than my brother or I can remember. Quite a few years ago, she started gifting a copy to my
GuidepostsLeitura de 2 mins
Mysterious Ways
My dad had a funny habit of barking at our elderly Shih Tzu, Daisy, whenever he came to our house. “Woof, woof,” he’d say, and Daisy would wag her tail and bark back. “Good dog!” he’d praise her. It always made me smile. Dad had dementia and lived in
GuidepostsLeitura de 1 mins
Coal Miner’s Daughter
With three number-one songs on the Billboard country charts by her mid-thirties, Loretta Lynn was eager to write another hit. But this time she wanted to prove to listeners that she “could write about something besides marriage problems.” So Lynn pen
GuidepostsLeitura de 2 mins
One Friend At A Time
Greetings, friends! I start this way because of the featured Up Side quote (page 6) from U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, who warns that the nation’s health is threatened by an epidemic of loneliness. His recent report outlines the dire consequence
GuidepostsLeitura de 5 mins
‘‘I Heard You Praying”
I was the chaplain on duty that Friday night. I leaned over the nurse’s station on the surgical intensive care unit to get briefed on the patient awaiting me in Room 1. “The paramedics brought her in earlier today with a gunshot wound to the head,” t
GuidepostsLeitura de 6 mins
Swimming Lessons
My eyes took in the length of the indoor pool. Twenty-five yards that looked like 25 miles. “You can do this,” John, my coach, said. “The 200 fly. Don’t overthink it.” I’d swum competitively until quitting before my junior year in college, burned out
GuidepostsLeitura de 3 mins
In the Everyday
Dishes already filled the sink, and my three children hadn’t even finished their breakfast. “Hurry up, or you’ll be late,” I said. “Rafi, finish your juice. Liora, did you put your bicycle away?” “Rafi, that’s my juice!” my youngest, Hillel, shouted
GuidepostsLeitura de 6 mins
‘‘I Love You, Dad!’’
Moberly, Missouri The hardest thing about being a pastor’s kid was moving all the time—seven times in 10 years. I hated it. I even threatened to run away when I was 13. “Think of it as an adventure,” Dad said. “The Good Lord always provides.” Those w
GuidepostsLeitura de 6 mins
Keeping It Real
Why is it so hard to make friends these days? Busy lives, digital distractions, lingering pandemic isolation—so much gets in the way of lasting friendship. Yet friends matter more than ever. Last year, the U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued an
GuidepostsLeitura de 1 mins
“The Up Side ®
SEND AN UPLIFTING QUOTE from a newsmaker or yourself to ■
GuidepostsLeitura de 7 mins
God’s Pillow
On the worst—and best—day of my life, I was behind the wheel of a 2,300-gallon water tanker truck heading straight toward the flames of a raging California wildfire. It was September 11, 2016. The Soberanes Fire was on its way to burning 132,127 acre
GuidepostsLeitura de 2 minsJudaism
Daily Prayers in Judaism
As an Orthodox Jew, I live my life immersed in the beauty and richness of the 613 mitzvot, the divine commandments embedded in the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, that shape the sacred relationship between us and God, as well as our interactions with fellow
GuidepostsLeitura de 1 mins
President & CEO John Temple Editor-in-Chief & Vice President Edward Grinnan Vice President, Content Ansley Roan Lead Editor Amy Wong Creative Director Kayo Der Sarkissian Editorial Team Morgan Beard, Meg Belviso, Sabra Ciancanelli, Sabrina Diaz, Kimb
GuidepostsLeitura de 9 mins
The Race Before Her
See me poised in the starting blocks of the 400-meter hurdles, and you might think I have nerves of steel. After all, I’m the women’s world-record holder in the event and the 2021 Olympic gold medalist. But I’m far from unflappable. In fact, for most
GuidepostsLeitura de 6 mins
Honor Thy Son
I’d been on plenty of marches in my time as a Marine, but never anything like this. My platoon today was undisciplined, stopping to kick at twigs, talking and laughing as we hiked through the woods, no one paying attention to the sound of rushing wat
GuidepostsLeitura de 1 mins
Spirit Lifting
That sunny afternoon, I felt the urge to go to the park and set up my easel to do some painting. But as an amateur with no training, I was worried. What if people in the park saw my artwork, then snickered or made ugly comments? Yet off I went, seeki
GuidepostsLeitura de 5 mins
Where I Belong
My name is Hannah Joy Xiao Ai McKean. I was born in Jiaozuo, a city in Henan province in central China. As a baby, I was left on the steps of a hospital. I spent the first four years of my life in an orphanage and a foster home. I never knew my birth
GuidepostsLeitura de 7 mins
What You Wish For
“Am I speaking to Ricki Distin?” “Yes,” I said into the phone. My voice was wary. I didn’t have time for telemarketers. My husband, Denny, and I care for our adult son, who is disabled. Denny’s mother also lived with us. Denny is a small-town pastor.
GuidepostsLeitura de 6 mins
Worst-Case Scenario?
I was out for a run one morning when I felt a twinge in my left heel. It was November 2021. A beautiful fall day. I’ve been a runner most of my life. I’m used to occasional aches. I figured the heel pain would go away. It got worse. Two days later (I
GuidepostsLeitura de 7 mins
Harold and Me
I scanned the line of older gentlemen boarding the charter bus, looking for the veteran I’d be accompanying on a two-day tour of the war memorials in Washington, D.C. That Saturday morning in September 2019 was my first time volunteering for Honor Fl
GuidepostsLeitura de 2 mins
What Prayer Can Do ®
Three weeks into a six-week outreach mission, I wasn’t sure how I would make it to the end. I was the lone American in an international group traveling through Belgium. We carried a 12-foot cross through different cities, performing dances, music and
GuidepostsLeitura de 3 mins
Someone Cares
I was walking through the mall one day when a woman passing by said, “I like your shoes.” I glanced down at my well-worn tennis shoes and wondered what was special enough about them to warrant a compliment. My shoes seemed pretty ordinary to me. Stil
GuidepostsLeitura de 4 mins
Family Room®
Beth McCorkle (Laura’s Gift, page 18) was already giving thanks for her son Joey’s recovery from a farming accident when he gave her something new to celebrate. In January 2023, less than three years after losing both of his legs, Joey got down on on
GuidepostsLeitura de 2 mins
Messages From Above
My grandson pitches for his high school baseball team. When they made the playoffs, I was so excited to watch him play. The day of the big game, I arrived to find the baseball field empty. A passerby informed me the game had been moved at the last mi
GuidepostsLeitura de 5 mins
To The Top
Mt. Rainier is among the tallest mountains in the continental United States. From its 14,410-foot summit in Washington’s Cascade Range, climbers on a clear day can see for hundreds of miles: distant peaks, evergreen forests, the sprawl of Seattle and
GuidepostsLeitura de 1 mins
President & CEO John Temple Editor-in-Chief & Vice President Edward Grinnan Vice President, Content Ansley Roan Lead Editor Amy Wong Creative Director Kayo Der Sarkissian Editorial Team Morgan Beard, Meg Belviso, Sabra Ciancanelli, Sabrina Diaz, Kimb
GuidepostsLeitura de 2 mins
Mysterious Ways
It had been a big year for me and my family: I’d stopped drinking, my husband and I had relocated from Minnesota to Kansas, and I’d become pregnant with our second child. Although I was on the track to recovery, I seemed not to be very good at it, of
GuidepostsLeitura de 5 mins
I Called Him Eddie Cream Cheese
My little chihuahua, Paco, was one of a kind. He and I had been through a lot together. I thought of him as my soul dog, a gift from God. He’d come with me to Colorado when I moved in with my son to help with his twin daughters, Piper and Mia. Paco w
GuidepostsLeitura de 7 mins
Deliverance Alley
The place I call Deliverance Alley is a vacant lot of grass and dirt in a neglected south Dallas neighborhood. Drive by and you won’t see much. A sign on a deli across the street reads: “No trespassing, prostitution, drug dealing, loitering, weapons
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