WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
WellBeing Being
Founding Editor Ally McManus Art Director Kate Podger Designer Malinda Hadiwidjojo New South Wales National Advertising Manager Nia Llewelyn +61 488 267 371 Queensland Sales Manager Amy Frank +61 450 195 373 Victoria National Advertising Manager Trac
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 3 mins
A Wardrobe for Wellbeing
Multiple outfit changes, a pile of clothes on the bed, a closet bursting with items that have barely seen the light of day, the constant “nothing to wear” feeling. It’s easy to get caught in a fast-fashion frenzy, and it’s only getting faster. Accord
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 2 mins
The Natural Way
Q: What is the Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)? A: The Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) is Australia’s largest democratic association of natural therapy practitioners. ANTA is a historic, trusted association of highly
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
Getting Started
• Search online for “mandala drawing template” or watch a tutorial• Let go of expectations and be open• Fill your circle with patterns, or whatever you like• Draw often, even if it’s only a few lines• Enrol in a workshop • Pick up a colouring book fr
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 2 mins
Tips For Cultivating Meaningful Productivity
• Be curious (without judgement) about how your past experiences have shaped your beliefs about what it means to be productive, and how you may be reinforcing these beliefs through your current behaviours.• Create your own definition of productivity.
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 2 mins
Glowing From The Inside Out
Sometimes, the most effective skincare is the simplest. That’s certainly the case for Tanya Georgie, founder of eco-friendly skincare brand Georgie Skin. For Tanya, skincare should be simple, effective and kind to the planet, which is why she launche
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 3 mins
At The heart Of Your Being
Our minds are like waves in the ocean. As waves, our thoughts and feelings come and go. But the true nature of reality is beyond our minds. As our minds place their own meaning on words, words are then placed on events in the world, on other people a
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 2 mins
Appointment With Self
Time is the gift I’ve given to myself this year. I started slowly — somewhat hesitantly — pencilling “appointment with self” in my diary, just an hour or two put aside to create space and ease in my week; time just for me. I choose a place of beauty,
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 4 minsDiet & Nutrition
Giving Back Through Tea
Q: What is guayusa (why-you-sa) tea? Please share a bit of information about your journey with guayusa. A: In 2017, my family and I found ourselves struggling to keep up with the pressures of our fast-paced world. Rushing. Racing. Busy being busy. We
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 5 minsDiet & Nutrition
Pet-friendly Products
Q: Why did you decide to create a pet care range using hemp seed oil? A: It was based on feedback from our customers. They gave us feedback that finding natural products, let alone a natural shampoo, for their pooches was hard to find, so we set abou
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 2 minsDiet & Nutrition
Going Dry
Alcohol is often referenced as a part of Australian culture. Yet as we’ve become more educated in personal health and wellness, a shift has emerged. More and more Australians are choosing to go alcohol-free or be more considered when it comes to thei
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
How we’re doing something holds just as much weight, if not more, than what we’re doing. Mindfulness has the capacity to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. Seemingly mundane tasks such as washing, cleaning or tidying can turn into meaning
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
Journalling Prompts For Integrating Your Shadow
• What are the best and worst personality traits of your parents? Do you see them within yourself?• When are you hardest on yourself? Why?• What emotions do you tend to avoid? What would happen if you allowed yourself to feel these emotions?• How do
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 2 mins
How To Use Humour Mindfully
We’ve all witnessed the power of a joke. Used skilfully, it can defuse tension and promote social bonding, for instance. Wielded like a weapon, or without thought, it can chop others down. Outside the arts and entertainment industry, humour has had l
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
How To Make And Enjoy Your Own Cacao
• Place 25 grams of ceremonial-grade, ethically sourced cacao in a pot and cover with a cup of your favourite plant-based milk.• Allow to warm slowly over a low heat (overheating will reduce some of the benefits of the cacao), continually whisking so
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 5 mins
A Mindful approach To Immunity
To function well, the immune system requires balance in both the mind and body. The food you choose to eat, the way you move your body, your thoughts, emotions and your stress response all influence the body’s ability to fight infection, recover from
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 3 mins
Circular Journeys
Circles are an intrinsic part of our world, so it’s little wonder that many of us feel drawn to mandalas. In Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, mandalas mean circles or containers of sacredness. These circular artforms usually comprise an array of
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
Composure can be likened to a clear blue sky in the sense that it’s a calm and permanent fixture in our lives. A sky obstructed by clouds can act as a metaphor for when we lose composure. Activities such as meditation, walking and journalling act as
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 3 minsChemistry
Low-tox Home
Q: Why is it important to use low-toxin cleaning products in your home? A: Cleaning protects our health in our homes, schools and workplaces, but have you ever considered that the products you’re using now might be doing more harm than good? It is im
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 3 mins
The Kindness Of Strangers
It was just after 9am and I’d rushed to the pathologist, dismayed that despite only being open for a few minutes, there were already several people waiting. I took a number and joined the queue, glancing back at the car where my partner and our two-w
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
Explore The Otways Region
• Forrest General Store: Visit for good coffee, fresh homemade pies and baked goods, and stock up on supplies for an evening platter of local produce.• Forrest Brewing: Enjoy a tipple of beer that’s brewed on site as well as tasty breakfast, lunch an
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
Mindful Routines
Mindfulness is a tool we can use to connect with the present moment. Inside this issue of Being, you’ll find a tear-sheet lift-out with space to contemplate and cultivate mindful morning and evening routines. Mindful routines are a powerful way to gr
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
Using Humour Mindfully
• There can be a fine line between positive and negative jokes. It’s all about self-awareness, Clare says.• Know your own personal humour style and tone. Is it pro-social and affiliate, warm, cynical, self-deprecating or aggressive?• Be compassionate
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 3 mins
Green Living
Q: How important is it to choose reusable products, and why? A: It’s very important for your health and the planet. Firstly, single-use plastic food and beverage containers are generally made from cheap plastics which can be riddled with toxins that
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 3 mins
Sustainability For People And The Planet
Q: How did your journey with We, the many* begin? A: We, the many* began as an idea around five years ago. The key concept that really started it all off was around responsibility. I strongly feel that your personal health, as well as the health of t
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 3 mins
Into The Wild
Dappled light is filtering through the canopy of trees around the kitchen as the coffee pot starts bubbling on the gas stove. Poppy is lying down by my feet on the timber floorboards; I watch her nose twitching as she follows the caffeinated scent em
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 4 mins
Exploring Your Shadow
Recently, I was working on a project with a friend and kept finding myself frustrated and triggered by her assertiveness. This trait is not something I would typically relate to in my own character, but as I was contemplating my frustration, I rememb
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 1 mins
Being intentional of your thoughts and actions is what enables you to live mindfully. When you go about your everyday tasks, do so with present-moment awareness and gratitude for life’s simple pleasures. When you sit down for a cuppa — at a cafe or a
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 2 mins
Madeleine Dore
Q: I feel most calm when … A: I’m pottering around the house tidying things while I have a friend on the phone for company. Q: The last time I felt inspired … A: Watching a recent documentary on the life and work of Julia Childs — it was such a delic
WellBeing BeingLeitura de 5 mins
Drink Of The Gods
Over the past decade, cacao has cemented its place in the family of superfoods. We’re throwing it in smoothies, sprinkling it on top of nourish bowls, stirring it through chia puddings and drinking it instead of coffee. We’re also seeing cacao ceremo
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