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The Caterpillar That Wanted To Make Friends
The Caterpillar That Wanted To Make Friends
The Caterpillar That Wanted To Make Friends
E-book26 páginas17 minutos

The Caterpillar That Wanted To Make Friends

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The book tells the story of a caterpillar who wanted to make friends with the forest animals but could not because of their strange appearance and their differences from the friends he wanted to conquer – cubs of a bunny, a squirrel, a monkey and a deer. While listening to the 12 Owls Council, which showed the way of how to develop and maintain enduring friendships, her problem continued. She knew what humiliation, scorn, discrimination, and mockery were. So, she rebelled with Mother Nature who created her. Time showed that her creation was perfect. One day, a great transformation happened in her life. But a great mission did not allow her to approach her friends as much as she wanted. From then on, she knew the meaning of her existence.
Data de lançamento6 de ago. de 2019
The Caterpillar That Wanted To Make Friends

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    The Caterpillar That Wanted To Make Friends - João José Da Costa

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