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The Eccentric Explorer (O Explorador Excêntrico): A Jungle Tale
The Eccentric Explorer (O Explorador Excêntrico): A Jungle Tale
The Eccentric Explorer (O Explorador Excêntrico): A Jungle Tale
E-book52 páginas0 minuto

The Eccentric Explorer (O Explorador Excêntrico): A Jungle Tale

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In the early 20th century, a team of explorers follow a war veteran on his search for an ancient city, lost somewhere in the Amazon Jungle. But with a leader like Percy, who knows what will happen next? Some say Percy knows all the secrets of the forest, but is he even sane? Did he really kill a monster that's supposed to be extinct? Whi

Data de lançamento4 de nov. de 2022
The Eccentric Explorer (O Explorador Excêntrico): A Jungle Tale

Jessy Carlisle

Hi, I'm Jessy. I publish books in languages I don't speak so children can read books in languages they do speak. Legends have always fascinated me. Do they give your children a sense of wonder too? As an Australian poet, it's hard to find work in the Outback. But there are children all over the world struggling to learn how to read. Some of them have hardly any books in their native language. That's why I created the Bilingual Legends series - to give as many children as possible the opportunity to read a story in their own native language. Usually, each book in the series is published in the language spoken in the land where that story originates. A typical book also includes the text in English, but in some cases Spanish, Portuguese, German, or another language is used instead. I hope you enjoy reading my books!

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    The Eccentric Explorer (O Explorador Excêntrico) - Jessy Carlisle

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