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Master Tiuaco`s Sacred Tea From Amazon Rainforest Ii
Master Tiuaco`s Sacred Tea From Amazon Rainforest Ii
Master Tiuaco`s Sacred Tea From Amazon Rainforest Ii
E-book226 páginas2 horas

Master Tiuaco`s Sacred Tea From Amazon Rainforest Ii

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This second book of a trilogy explains the alpha and the omega of Michael s work with this Brazilian Amazon Rainforest mysterious Tea called as TIUACO. The stages garnered inspiration in the discoveries of the BURRACHEIRAS and followed their path according to hypotheses (in that they are basically a science of Salomon), and are being, as he has already said, fulfilled organically. This third stage through the mystery is being completed as he wrote by the community called TIUACO, which is one of the protagonists of this story without an end. This book highlights the inversions committed up to this moment and leads the reader to discover the consciousness of the consciousness. The study of the consciousness and pathologic unconsciousness since Freud until Keppe guide Michael towards to the Cientification as a established and stardardized method taught in his modern xamanism course.(www.somostodosum.com.br- link: michael vieira dos santos (curso). Welcome aboard!
Data de lançamento20 de jan. de 2014
Master Tiuaco`s Sacred Tea From Amazon Rainforest Ii

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    Master Tiuaco`s Sacred Tea From Amazon Rainforest Ii - Michael Vieira Dos Santos

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