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Pulsos da Terra
Pulsos da Terra
Pulsos da Terra
E-book56 páginas

Pulsos da Terra

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Sobre este e-book

Let Tamara Villaverde transport you into the splendor of nature with her poetry collection, "Pulsos da Terra" (Portuguese Edition). Through stirring and vivid language, Villaverde pays homage to the allure and interconnectedness of the natural world. Each poem immerses readers in resplendent landscapes, from bird-song-filled forests to breezy wildflower meadows and majestic mist-veiled mountains. However, Pulsos da Terra goes beyond scenic observation; it reflects on the profound lessons nature imparts through its cycles of life, decay, and rebirth.


Villaverde's verses remind us of nature's delicate balance, inspiring contemplation of our human relationship with the Earth. Each poem adds a unique depth and perspective to this ode to the planet's intricate ecosystems. As you lose yourself in these lyrical lines, you will discover inspiration, solace, and a renewed connection with the natural realm. Pulsos da Terra is a mosaic of poetry that beckons you into tranquil communion with nature. Open these pages and let Villaverde's harmonious words serenade your spirit.

Data de lançamento9 de out. de 2023
Pulsos da Terra

Tamara Villaverde

Tamara Villaverde, a poet from Portugal, finds her muse in the captivating beauty of the natural world. Through her connection with nature, she weaves verses that transport readers to lush forests, serene meadows, majestic mountains, and the ever-changing seasons. Villaverde's poetry goes beyond mere observation, showcasing nature's intricate rhythms of life, decay, and rebirth and inviting reflection on our connection to the planet. Her verses find inspiration in the simplest of things, transforming a wildflower into a masterpiece and a bird's song into a symphony. Tamara Villaverde's poetry is a harmonious journey into the heart of nature's poetry, offering inspiration, solace, and renewed appreciation for the wonders of the natural realm.

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    Pulsos da Terra - Tamara Villaverde

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