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Fragmentos Sussurrantes
Fragmentos Sussurrantes
Fragmentos Sussurrantes
E-book56 páginas

Fragmentos Sussurrantes

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"Fragmentos Sussurrantes" by Saldira Saldanha is a mesmerizing poetic voyage into the depths of the human spirit. This collection fragments the mosaic of life, with each verse illuminating the internal conflicts that humans grapple with amid the eternal interplay of light and darkness. With poetic lyricism, Saldanha blends themes of duality, resilience, and an eternal quest for personal growth. Lush, evocative imagery transports readers to ethereal realms where the faint whispers of the soul find form. Emotions ebb and flow like a raging tempest, yielding tranquil interludes as these verses navigate the tangled complexities of human existence. Saldanha's poignant compositions transcend the boundaries between reality and imagination, revealing universal truths that resonate within every soul.

Data de lançamento8 de ago. de 2023
Fragmentos Sussurrantes

Saldira Saldanha

Saldira Saldanha, a Portuguese poet, intricately writes emotive verses that penetrate the depths of the human psyche. With keen insight and a poet's touch, she navigates life's intricacies, crafting a kaleidoscope of emotions, internal conflicts, and reflective introspection. Saldanha's poems resonate with a quiet power, capturing the delicate whispers of the soul as well as the tumultuous echoes of inner turmoil. Through poignant examples drawn from everyday life and personal experiences, she illuminates themes of duality, resilience, and personal growth. Her poetry invites readers on a soulful journey of introspection and self-awareness, offering solace and enlightenment. Drawing on vivid imagery that paints landscapes of emotion and thought, Saldanha explores the inherent dichotomies of life with authenticity and depth. Each poem is a reflection of the intricate dance between light and shadow, joy and sorrow, and love and loss. By inviting readers to contemplate these universal forces, she guides them toward finding meaning within the interplay of life's profound complexities.

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    Fragmentos Sussurrantes - Saldira Saldanha

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