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Brothers Of Faith
Brothers Of Faith
Brothers Of Faith
E-book56 páginas13 minutos

Brothers Of Faith

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Children in faith One day, I and a great friend, Marcio, went out to visit brothers who visited the church and went to a young man s house, his name is Rui (the one who receives the dedication in the book), we visited him and scarcely knew what God had done for our lives, it seemed like a visit like any other, we talked about Jesus and how we must stand firm in the kingdom, and we left, days later, God put in my heart to go back that place and again visit and I went, and we began to have a friendship, to walk together and I began to accompany him and soon I called him to do the work of God together and we started to go out and spread the gospel and the miracles and wonders began to happen where we were going and God confirmed every day the ministry of that young man .
Data de lançamento9 de set. de 2018
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    Brothers Of Faith - Max Salgado And Brother Rui.

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