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The Hierarchy of Archangel Michael: Prophecies and Kabbalah, #11
The Hierarchy of Archangel Michael: Prophecies and Kabbalah, #11
The Hierarchy of Archangel Michael: Prophecies and Kabbalah, #11
E-book44 páginas17 minutos

The Hierarchy of Archangel Michael: Prophecies and Kabbalah, #11

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Christians only know the archangel Michael, Gabriel and the archangel Raphael, but there are hundreds of them and Kabbalah knows each one of them, so I am creating this series of books to address the main angels of Kabbalah. Some angels are not even on the Kabbalah list and were discovered by me in the spirit world, but most are on the list.

How are they discovered? They have existed for millions of years, well before our world was created, but they remain hidden, because sinful humanity is not up to knowing them.

I too am a sinner like everyone else, but the Creator by his grace and power made me knowledgeable of many mysteries.

I practice the Kabbalah meditation that I will teach in this work and with that you will also be able to access the supernatural and know these mysteries.

The Creator's mysteries are unfathomable, it's like he told the prophets that he would teach them great and terrible things that common humanity doesn't even suspect exist.

The Lord is Mighty and his ways are wondrous. Eleno as the Hebrews say, which means OUR LIGHT FROM THE MOST HIGH.vv
Christians only know the archangel Michael, Gabriel and the archangel Raphael, but there are hundreds of them and Kabbalah knows each one of them, so I am creating this series of books to address the main angels of Kabbalah. Some angels are not even on the Kabbalah list and were discovered by me in the spirit world, but most are on the list.

How are they discovered? They have existed for millions of years, well before our world was created, but they remain hidden, because sinful humanity is not up to knowing them.

I too am a sinner like everyone else, but the Creator by his grace and power made me knowledgeable of many mysteries.

I practice the Kabbalah meditation that I will teach in this work and with that you will also be able to access the supernatural and know these mysteries.

The Creator's mysteries are unfathomable, it's like he told the prophets that he would teach them great and terrible things that common humanity doesn't even suspect exist.

The Lord is Mighty and his ways are wondrous. Eleno as the Hebrews say, which means OUR LIGHT FROM THE MOST HIGH.





Data de lançamento26 de fev. de 2023
The Hierarchy of Archangel Michael: Prophecies and Kabbalah, #11

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    The Hierarchy of Archangel Michael - Eliel Roshveder


    The Hierarchy of Archangel Michael (Prophecies and Kabbalah, #11)


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    Also By Eliel Roshveder

    The Hierarchy of Archangel Michael


    Eliel Roshveder



    Watts: 47984867563

    Email: elielroshveder@yahoo.com.br

    Send me your abduction and spiritual combat report, because I will help you in prayer, meditation and explain what is happening to you according to the report.

    I promise secrecy. 



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    CHRISTIANS ONLY KNOW the archangel Michael, Gabriel and the archangel Raphael, but there are hundreds of them and Kabbalah knows each one of them, so I am creating this series of books to address the main angels of Kabbalah. Some angels are not even on the Kabbalah list and were discovered by me in the spirit world, but most are on the list.

    HOW ARE THEY DISCOVERED? They have existed for millions of years, well before our world was created, but they remain hidden, because sinful humanity is not up to knowing them.

    I too am a sinner like everyone else, but the Creator by his grace and power made me knowledgeable of many mysteries.

    I practice the Kabbalah meditation that I will teach in this work and with that you will also

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