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Toda uma Vida de Amor: Navegando Pelas Estações da Vida Conjugal
Toda uma Vida de Amor: Navegando Pelas Estações da Vida Conjugal
Toda uma Vida de Amor: Navegando Pelas Estações da Vida Conjugal
E-book47 páginas30 minutos

Toda uma Vida de Amor: Navegando Pelas Estações da Vida Conjugal

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"Toda uma Vida de Amor: Navegando Pelas Estações da Vida Conjugal" convida você a explorar os alicerces do amor duradouro. Desde o estabelecimento de bases sólidas até a promoção de momentos de diversão e risos, este livro é um guia cativante pelas alturas e baixos da vida a dois.Repleto de conselhos práticos e 100 práticas essenciais para o amo

Data de lançamento26 de nov. de 2023
Toda uma Vida de Amor: Navegando Pelas Estações da Vida Conjugal

Ranjot Singh Chahal

Ranjot Chahal, also known as Jot Chahal, is a gifted author and poet originating from the Mansa district of Punjab. Currently residing in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, he recently completed his master's degree at Cardiff Metropolitan University in June 2023. Ranjot has garnered significant recognition for his contemplative literary works, which encompass an array of poetry and quotes reflecting his distinctive outlook on life.Born into a Sikh family, Ranjot has always held a profound respect for his community's rich cultural and spiritual heritage. His literary creations serve as a testament to his profound affection and enthusiasm for literature, effectively bridging the gap between classical and contemporary literary realms.Ranjot's literary works extend across languages, with publications available in Punjabi, English, and Hindi, thus rendering his artistry accessible to a broad spectrum of readers. His compositions seamlessly intertwine spirituality, philosophy, and personal encounters, drawing admiration for their profoundness and originality.Notably, Ranjot Chahal has ventured into the realm of audio books, expanding his literary influence through auditory channels. His dedication and ardor for his craft have propelled him into the literary spotlight, earning the admiration of readers worldwide. With his recent academic achievement-a master's degree from Cardiff Metropolitan University in June 2023-he continues to fortify his position as an emerging luminary within the literary world. Ranjot's endeavors are set to persistently inspire and enlighten readers, solidifying his imprint on the landscape of literature.

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    Toda uma Vida de Amor - Ranjot Singh Chahal

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