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Retalhos Lusitanos
Retalhos Lusitanos
Retalhos Lusitanos
E-book41 páginas

Retalhos Lusitanos

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Embark on an unforgettable poetic journey through the heart of Portugal with "Retalhos Lusitanos

Data de lançamento7 de nov. de 2023
Retalhos Lusitanos

Martim Castro de Noronha

Martim Castro de Noronha is a Portuguese poet and author from Ponte de Lima, Portugal. Growing up in his culturally rich hometown instilled in him a deep love for language and storytelling, which he continues to explore in his writing. Through mentorship, Martim has helped others of all ages develop their own literary voices over the years. He remains dedicated to his craft, constantly seeking new ways to express the beauty and complexity of the world around us. Martim's poems are known for their passionate and lyrical intensity, using vivid imagery and metaphors to convey the depth of Portuguese emotion. He believes in the power of poetry to transcend cultural and language barriers, connecting us to our shared humanity. Through his writing, Martim seeks to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world we live in.

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    Retalhos Lusitanos - Martim Castro de Noronha

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