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Drafts Of A Life
Drafts Of A Life
Drafts Of A Life
E-book68 páginas31 minutos

Drafts Of A Life

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Sobre este e-book

I offer not simply a work, but an event, or better, all the real sensations actually occurred with my history of my life since the age of 14 until today, through sentences, simple verses, used on occasions of romance, anger , different thoughts, etc.., of discovering the world of letters and words, the world of writing and reading, similar to creating a daily habit hitherto hidden by other people, but those wanting to get out and meet the world outside, all in their simplicity, without any whim and so little knowledge about addictions language or even construction of verses.
Data de lançamento11 de jun. de 2012
Drafts Of A Life

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    Drafts Of A Life - Cunha, Walmim Cabral

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