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Walter, the Wolf and the Little Red Riding Hood
Walter, the Wolf and the Little Red Riding Hood
Walter, the Wolf and the Little Red Riding Hood
E-book32 páginas4 minutos

Walter, the Wolf and the Little Red Riding Hood

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He was not a big bad wolf. He was Walter the Wolf. Little Red Riding Hood and Walter the Wolf almost met in the forest . . . It was close. But she walked past with her basket, humming. He hid behind the tree, shivering, afraid she would see him and throw something at his head. Then he smelled something bad! Run into this story and find out more about this unusual pair!
Data de lançamento30 de ago. de 2022
Walter, the Wolf and the Little Red Riding Hood

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    Walter, the Wolf and the Little Red Riding Hood - Donaldo Buchweitz

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