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Love: creating emotional maturity through life
Love: creating emotional maturity through life
Love: creating emotional maturity through life
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Love: creating emotional maturity through life

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In the middle of the 21st century, where changes are taking place at such an accelerated pace, it is up to each one of us to allow ourselves to know ourselves better. Understanding and evaluating the legacy of our cultural heritage, as well as that of our education, is essential to acquire a deeper understanding of ourselves, which will allow us to better adjust to the breakneck pace of our new era.
Data de lançamento30 de mar. de 2023
Love: creating emotional maturity through life

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    Love - Zélia Chaves

    © Editora Gato-Bravo, 2023

    Não é permitida a reprodução total ou parcial deste livro nem o seu registo em sistema informático, transmissão mediante qualquer forma, meio ou suporte, sem autorização prévia e por escrito dos proprietários do registo do copyright.

    editor Marcel Lopes

    coordenação editorial Paula Cajaty

    revisão Margarida Fontes

    projecto gráfico Bookxpress

    arte da capa Geometria Sagrada, de Zélia Chaves


    Love: amadurecimento emocional através da vida


    Zélia Chaves


    Europress Indústria Gráfica

    ISBN 978-989-9069-XX-X

    e-ISBN 978-989-9069-XX-X

    1a edição: Junho, 2023

    Depósito legal XXXXX/23


    rua Veloso Salgado, 15A

    1600-216 Lisboa, Portugal

    tel. [+351] 91 100 8760



    To all human beings who have crossed

    paths with me in my life story





    Author’s Notes

    How I shaped my inner world

    What are we doing to the world?

    Looking at the world, from a philosopher’s viewpoint

    Looking at the world, the magic power of words

    LOOKIN G AT THE WORLD, creating transformation

    Looking at the world, divine love

    Looking at the world, through the eyes of god

    Looking at the world, a special world

    Looking at the world, with new energy

    Awaken your purpose, it awaits you!

    The meaning of my paintings on my path

    Annotated bibliography


    HOLDER OF A DEGREE IN COMMUNICATION DESIGN from the Lisbon School of Fine Arts, she worked as a designer for just a few years. For forty years, she was a visual education teacher at a public school in Lisbon. During this period, using her capacity for artistic ambivalence, along with her activity as a painter, she created an arts workshop aimed at the school community, where she explored and encouraged the creativity of that community. Around the age of forty, she felt that reflection, meditation and introspection were a primordial need. Along that path, she recognized what her inner truth was and what path would lead her to her purpose to enjoy the pleasure of just being.

    To all human beings who have crossed

    paths with me in my life story.


    TO MY HUSBAND, for having all the patience in the world and for teaching me how to be a fighter, and to my children Teresa, Bruno and Sofia, who have always been my source of inspiration.

    To Sara Calazans for leading me to this goal.

    To my friend Paula Silveira, for the revision suggestions.

    To you, reader, who will read it, wishing you succeed to outline your dreams.


    I’M SCARED OF EVERYTHING that happens around me.

    I feel the weight of a mountain on my shoulders and this weight bothers me a lot. It doesn’t let me think, nor see the light, nor the love that belongs to me by Divine right. But I feel and I know that if I climb this mountain, up there, on top, I can rescue the universal light that divine love represents. Once I get there, my intuition will tell me which way to go, because I will feel it with all the intensity of my cells. I also know that, on top of the mountain, I will be with all my inner power. I will be at peace and embrace all my shadows that put me in darkness, confusing me while I was at the foot of the mountain, where I screamed that I didn’t want to give up. As I climbed it, with all the patience, I accepted the challenges one by one, identifying them, decoding them, experiencing them and polishing, with love, my imperfections and maladjustments. I knew, through my Being, that when I was prepared, I would face all my challenges with a different perception and a new awareness of my path in this lifetime.

    Author’s Notes

    IN THE VARIOUS MOMENTS and phases of my life, I had to create my life purpose creatively, with the intention, through dialogue with my spirit and art, of paving the way for my self-improvement. And, hand in hand with my spirit, I cultivated this working methodology as a basis for my inner transformation.

    I created a communion with my spirit, through a symbolic dialogue. The images I used on the first page of each chapter of this book are drawings, watercolour and acrylic paintings, which came to me at the time, to reveal what my spirit would like to be associated with my new energetic posture. This new, regenerating and loving energy, which I used daily, made my new life story filled with inner peace and harmony.

    Phase by phase, my life was taking shape and the sense of my purpose was emerging in parallel to the path followed for my inner transformation. It was a process of great inner change that resulted in a spiritual awakening that embraced my new life.

    My message is to encourage you to join the group of those interested in this inner change, cultivating spiritual intelligence as a basis for integrating your deepest interests. This lead us to find our purpose in life. This was the most beautiful experience I have ever had.

    How I shaped my inner world

    WE SOMETIMES SEEK TO SHAPE the world according to the legacy of our education and our own values, but it is our obligation to perceive and understand both our own history and that of the world. Living them with the truth inherent in each of us makes it possible to create a better world.

    In the 21st century, where changes are taking place at such an accelerated pace, it is up to us to allow ourselves to get to know each other better. Understanding and evaluating the legacy of our cultural family, as well as that of our education, is essential for acquiring deeper knowledge of ourselves. This will allow us to better adjust to the breakneck pace of our new era.

    Facing the outside world requires us to make an effort for an inner transformation, and prepare for the changes ahead. Knowing our true emotions, feelings and deepest desires is the way to face the new world, the unknown and strangeness we may face. It is with the clarity of our authenticity that we will be in a better position to understand and accept the world with all its joys, as well as its misadventures.

    Each person’s personality must be built with dignity and self-respect. This feat will only be possible with the contribution of our inner strength, which guides us in order to attain the goals and targets that we set. In practice, in order to contribute to a better world, we must represent and play our role in it, adjusting the challenges it poses to our lives. Only then it will be possible to adapt behaviour and attitudes in a more magnanimous gesture, so that our balance, and that of the Universe, can be achieved. This simple gesture of generosity can lead others to do it too, thus being dragged into a new stage of this new era, where mistakes made in the past can contribute to a transforming energy that can make all the difference in the world.

    Recognizing the urgency of our inner peace, prosperity, health and love makes us identify fundamental energies that awaken our discernment at various levels. Our deepest memories will be aroused and will help us to identify disturbances and patterns that cause fears in us because we gave them an undeserved importance. Unlocking something Greater in us will allow us to open our hearts to unconditional love. With this new energy flooding in, fear will be replaced by the energy of love that moves our entire being. We are then able to enter a universal dynamic where everything is directed towards a Greater Good that is within our reach.

    We keep putting off our indispensable spiritual encounter until, one day, we recognize the urgency of doing something for ourselves and for the world we live in, for which we are also responsible. The change that is taking place at such a maddening pace, with the new inventions, scientific discoveries and new technologies, lead us to be confronted, whether we like it or not, with new and unforeseen situations for which we have to prepare ourselves internally.

    Meditation is one of the inner tools that helps our emotional and psychic balance immensely. I can speak about it because I resort to it recurrently in my daily life. I analyse my mind systematically. It is a way of evaluating my

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