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The Anunakkis Are Returning To Dominate Our Planet
The Anunakkis Are Returning To Dominate Our Planet
The Anunakkis Are Returning To Dominate Our Planet
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The Anunakkis Are Returning To Dominate Our Planet

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The Anunakki who controlled the Sumerian civilization and other civilizations on earth posing as gods are an important piece for us to understand Ufology, but where did they go after the destruction of Iraqi Babylon, which was one of the last focuses of their influence on earth? They accompanied various civilizations on Earth over millennia and now return to our world with the curvature of Planet X s orbit towards Earth. The Anunakis have the ability to get closer to humans, as they are hybrids with reptilians. Just like the Greys, the Anunakis have bodies little different from ours, which is why they were used by the Dragon to control the human race, just as the Grays are used today. They were banished from the earth by the Elohim, who protect our world, but they always returned and now the way is clear again with the Apocalypse and the rise of the Dajjal over the earth. Dajjal is a peculiar person, he is the son of the Devil on earth, just as Adonai had his son, the evil one did not want to be left behind and created his son on our world. The world is now heading towards an immense vacuum. The land will be handed over for 7 years into the hands of the Devil s son, Dajjal.
Data de lançamento18 de jan. de 2024
The Anunakkis Are Returning To Dominate Our Planet

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    The Anunakkis Are Returning To Dominate Our Planet - Eliel Roshveder



    Jiulia vehicle was a Subaru, expensive and very beautiful.


    ___ It's yours while you're here, __ said Jiulia, handing over the keys, __ here are the weapons __ opened a false bottom in the trunk.

    There was a 9 mm pistol, 92 tigadier ES, a 92m

    Fs Inox, there is — b&a 9Sm. There were Magnuns 357, modernized by Israel, renamed IMIC, Israel Military Industry, also practical and powerful rarities, Rugger pistols, Ki[K-lO and KNX—

    656 GC. Also a Beretta M92f. Aziz, the guerrilla complained: ___ Where are the Kalashinikovs, grenades and

    rocket launchers?

    ___ You're crazy, walking around in this region

    with these heavy weapons is stupid. It wants to be arrested as a criminal. They will have to use light weapons, taking total precautions to avoid ruining the mission.

    ___ I used these heavy weapons in Iraq ___ he said trying to seduce the girl ___ I sent a lot of Shiite enemies into the air with my rockets and missiles. These are the powerful weapons I like, not this crap you brought. Shiites hate my people who are Sunnis.


    She laughed his way and Aziz started talking about the Iraq war, because later she started talking about the war too and showed great understanding of the subject, leaving the Iraqi man awestruck. Aziz observed after listening to her speak for a while.

    ___ You have a French accent. Are you from

    France? ___ Asked Aziz, placing his hand on her shoulders and trying to pass Do-in energy to her. ___Congratulations, you managed to knock Brazil, the favorite, out of the World Cup and go to the final with Italy. Let's watch the game tomorrow near the Reis Magos Bridge, it's the final with Italy, cool. I supported Brazil, but doing what I recognize that the team I love lost, they didn't play at all.

    These events took place at the time of these cup



    ___ Are you from France? I soon saw the


    He insisted, being stubborn and leaving her


    Jiulia said nothing, for security reasons she

    couldn't talk about her personal life, nothing.

    ___ I'll stay here...

    It went behind a tree and disappeared, they

    looked for it and couldn't find it, it had evaporated into thin air.

    Aziz said:


    ___ I believe she teleported, I saw this when I was taken by the Angels to the cosmos, they do a lot of that.

    They use teleportation to buy time and enter the enemy's heart. I believe we will soon have this gift, it will be great.

    ___ She's almost an angel and you kept trying to

    take her to bed, you're really no good. — Levi accused. — I don't know how you were taken to so many worlds and dimensions if she's a bastard.

    Aziz also knew about Levi's wanton life and fired;

    ___ Bro, you lived in orgy and want to teach a moral lesson. I didn't want anything wrong with her, I wanted to get married, I wanted her as a third wife.

    ___ Nonsense, you use this as an excuse to attack

    everyone. According to Arab tradition, for you to win another wife, the family has to be involved, it's a clan game, and you can't go around grabbing everyone and using religion as an excuse.

    Aziz didn't like it and attacked him. A fierce and beautiful fight took place, just arms against arms, the use of the bridge of arms in a fantastic martial game. They used defenses and attacks with speed without hitting each other and fought for a while, until urban guards appeared, they had to flee to avoid 10

    being arrested. They got into the Subaru and sped off at high speed.

    They accelerated the Subaru south, leaving the

    lights of Lisbon. Masoud remained behind the wheel. There were CDs with Arabic music in the vehicle, they turned on the music and traveled happily, following the rhythm of the music, shaking their bodies. They fought among themselves, but it was all part of the training, the important thing was to keep the group together and strong.

    As Aziz was acting like a liar when talking about

    the Dragon, he took an article from his pocket computer and passed it on to the group, about the coming of Hercolubus, planet x to Earth. They read it on the PC.


    The Return of Planet X - 33

    Hiding the brown dwarf

    For many years, the enormous radio telescope known as the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has been considered the best 'early warning' system for detecting space objects approaching Earth that our

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