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Angels Of The Eternal Sea: The Blues
Angels Of The Eternal Sea: The Blues
Angels Of The Eternal Sea: The Blues
E-book327 páginas3 horas

Angels Of The Eternal Sea: The Blues

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This is a fictional space story that takes place in the future, around the year 2186 when Brazil assumes the key defense position on Earth in collabora-tion with other global territories. The central theme focuses on a soldier, Elaine, who is a member of the Brazilian Star Force and her adventures facing the terrible alien enemy. The plot, which is revealed throughout the work, now and then describes pieces of the past, going back to the year 2005 when there was a Great Re-volt caused by the revelation of the enemy's, the Blue Ones, intentions to dominate the human race. But the greater part of the action takes placce in the year 2186.
Data de lançamento27 de jul. de 2014
Angels Of The Eternal Sea: The Blues

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    Pré-visualização do livro

    Angels Of The Eternal Sea - Reinaldo Toso Júnior

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