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P.s eu te amo

Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas



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Gerry e Holly eram namorados de infância e ficariam juntos para sempre, até que o inimaginável acontece e Gerry morre, deixando-a devastada.
Conforme seu aniversário de 30 anos se aproxima, Holly descobre um pacote de cartas nas quais Gerry, gentilmente, a guia em sua nova vida sem ele. Com ajuda de seus amigos e de sua família barulhenta e carinhosa, Holly consegue rir, chorar, cantar, dançar e ser mais corajosa do que nunca.
Data de lançamento27 de ago. de 2012
P.s eu te amo

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  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    I really did enjoy this book, although I found the lead character, Holly, to be pretty half-baked as a person for the first half. I'm not even talking about the grief in her character -- that was to be expected. My primary issue was the whole "living for her husband" aspect, which is a lifestyle decision I cannot relate to. I loved the humour and emotion in the book, though, and I really enjoyed watching how Holly grew as her own person. Overall, excellent read.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Where do I start? This book made me fall in love with reading. Ceclia Ahern is one of my favorite authors and has made this one of my all time number one book.She portrays the main characters as the perfect couple yet they have their flaws, but doesn't everyone. Then something drastic happens to her husband and the author paints it so beautifully as the letters keep coming.I won't ruin the plot but would highly recommend. You'll never want to put it down, it will make you laugh, cry and wish for everything to be perfect.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    Very hokey
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Inhaltsangabe:Es war ein ganz einfacher Plan gewesen: Sie wollten einfach für immer zusammen bleiben. Doch ein Gehirntumor macht dem einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Gerry verstirbt im Februar und zurück bleibt Holly, die mit der Trauer nicht fertig wird. Kurz vor ihrem 30.ten Geburtstag bekommt sie von ihrer Mutter einen Karton mit Briefen. Zehn Stück an der Zahl, für jeden Monat einen.Es sind Briefe von Gerry, die er noch vor seinem Tod geschrieben hat, um Holly über die schwierige Zeit hinweg zu helfen. Er gibt ihr Aufgaben und Anregungen, so soll sie sich z. B. eine Nachttischlampe und ein schönes Kleid kaufen, an einem Karaoke-Wettbewerb teilnehmen und einen Kurzurlaub auf Lanzarote machen.In dieser Zeit erlebt Holly Hochs und Tiefs der Trauer, die sie mal allein und mal mit ihren Freundinnen Denise und Sharon durchsteht. Doch dann ändert sich plötzlich alles: Ihre Freundin Sharon ist schwanger und Denise wird heiraten. Und sie bekommt einen tollen Job und hat einen netten Freund – Daniel – dazu gewonnen.Wird sie bereit für ein neues Leben ohne Gerry sein?Mein Fazit:Nach dem ich vor ein paar Monaten den Film auf DVD gesehen habe, hatte ich natürlich eine gewisse Erwartungshaltung. Und ich muss sagen, das ich nicht enttäuscht worden bin. Im Gegenteil, ich habe das Buch in den letzten zwei Tagen regelrecht verschlungen.Holly erlebt ein schreckliches Jahr, nachdem sie fünfzehn Jahre lang ihr Leben mit Gerry teilte. Sie ist eine glaubhafte Figur und für mich sympathisch noch dazu. Ich habe jede Sekunde mit ihr gefühlt, wie sie trauerte, wütend und enttäuscht war und ein echtes Problem hatte, etwas Neues anzufangen.Mir haben aber auch die Freundinnen gefallen, die sehr unterschiedlich waren und so der Geschichte eine gewisse Würze gab. Auch Hollys Familie war für mich sehr herzerwärmend, wo doch bei allen eine spürbare Veränderung zu verzeichnen ist. Insgesamt gesehen finde ich diese Geschichte als sehr schön und originell. Es ist eine etwas andere Liebesgeschichte, die auf Klischees nicht angewiesen ist, sondern von Schlichtheit und Charme geprägt ist.Toll, kann ich nur empfehlen.Anmerkung: Die Rezension stammt aus Januar 2009.Neu veröffentlicht am 30.06.15!
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    a lovely well written simple story of coming to terms
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    From what I hear, much better than the movie made from it recently. It's set in Ireland, for one thing! The protagonist's husband, before his death of cancer at a young age, left her a year's worth of letters to be opened once a month. Each has a request - almost a command - of an unusual thing for her to do. With the help of her women friends, she accomplishes the tasks he left her and, in so doing, the tasks of mourning and getting on with life. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll enjoy it.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    If you're looking for enduring love and you have a box of kleenex handy, this novel by Cecelia Ahern is for you. It is a wonderfully written love story that will have you turning pages faster than you realize.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    The husband’s death nearly broke Holly to bits but she managed to stay strong and put to move on with her life. Shortly after Gerry’s death, Holly received a package from Gerry, containing "the list". Seems like Gerry has been preparing for a surprise for Holly before his death meant to help Holly get on with her life with peace and light that she deserves.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    I picked up this book in a discount bookstore after recently seeing the movie for like a fifth time. So the idea of having your loved one leave you a series of letters after they had passed away sounded incredibly romantic and touching...we all strive for something even a little bit in our lives!
    Now I’m not a huge lover of the Chick-Lit genre, but I do enjoy it from time to time; normally provides an easier read between heavier ones. PS I Love You was one that I saw the movie before I a) knew it was from a book and b) actually read before I saw the movie; which is rare for myself to do, normally I like to read a book before I watch the movie version allowing my imagination to fully grasp the story instead of allowing the actors of the movie to make it so.
    Holly and Gerry...soulmates! Then Gerry is pulled away from Holly by the evils of cancer, leaving Holly to navigate a world without her soulmate. Gerry being the forever romantic has planned to help Holly through a series of letters around a list that they use to joke about when he was alive.
    I enjoyed the book enough, I liked the way Ahern addressed Holly’s grief throughout the book and that it wasn’t an automatic cut off switch, you found yourself championing for Holly. I did struggle with how the book delivered different aspects to what I did witness in the movie and in this instance I found how the movie helped Holly discover her letters and the world without Gerry a lot more realistic and personal/intimate.
    None the less I still enjoyed the book, was an easy read and gave it 3 stars. Here’s to the Gerry’s of the World!!
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    This was another very emotional book to read....laughing and crying and sometimes both at the same time. I gave read and reread this book so many times I probably know it word for word......which is a good thing! I recommend it for every one!
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    Overall I thought this was a sweet, oftentimes hilarious book - despite its rather sad premise. Ms Ahern has a wonderful sense of humor and does an excellent job of making the characters, especially Holly, feel real and relatable. There were a couple of things I wish she had handled a bit differently - the book felt a bit more like a series of vignettes strung together than a smoothly flowing storyline at times, and I think the entire premise would have worked a bit better if the story had opened anywhere from 6 months to a year after Gerry's death rather than just 2 months. But those are personal preferences more than anything else. The book itself holds together well and is worth checking out if you're looking for something light and surprisingly fun.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    This was a tear-jerker. I actually think I liked the movie a little bit more than the book. In the movie, she reads all of the letters outloud, in the book, sometimes all you get is the P.S. part and they are very short letters.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    A tear-jerker from start to finish as two soulmates are separated when the man, Gerry, dies leaving his wife, Holly, alone. It's truly a beautiful work and is quite different than the popular movie - if you liked the movie, you will love the book.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Love this book its perfect like the movie. Its very moving and funny.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    This was a most enjoyable read. I am not normally a "chick lit" reader or movie watcher and so had not seen the movie. (Nor, after reading the movie's reviews, do I plan to watch it.)P.S. I Love You is the second Cecelia Ahern novel I have read (actually listened to), the first was "If You Could See Me Now" which was an absolutely wonderful romp. I missed the touch of whimsy in P.S. I Love You but appreciated that Ahern managed yet again to tell a love story in a manner just slightly askew.Her writing and like-able, knowable characters face adversity and inner turmoil with an attitude of both innocence and wisdom that uplifts and entertains the reader. I raced to the library to grab another Ahern as soon as I finished P.S. I Love You. Now onto "There's No Place Like Here".Kudos Ms Ahern, you have made me a fan.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    Read it before the movie came out, and I liked how it was written so much I have been afraid to watch the movie. Very sweet.

    I don't remember this book at all but it has to be better than the one I'm reading now.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Why I chose it...Always love to read the book before I see the movie. What I thought: This was a great book, made me laugh, and made me cry, definetly made me think about what I would do if I lost my husband...
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    It is ok. A fast read. I enjoyed it for the most part. I even liked the ending after thinking about it. Makes me want to write a book.
  • Nota: 1 de 5 estrelas
    If you enjoyed the movie, do *not* read this book! The only similarities to the movie are a few names and a few circumstances. The setting, Holly's family, friends, job, home, nationality, and motivations are vastly different in this book. Holly comes across as a flat, cranky, unsympathetic person. The writing is amateurish and the characters two-dimensional. Rent the movie instead.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    I probably would never have picked this book off the shelves were it not for the movie that was made from it. It looked like something I'd enjoy, so I decided to read the book first. It started out very strong - sweet and sad, with some really tender moments. And it finished pretty well, too. Somewhere in the middle, though, I started thinking that the film might possibly be better than the novel. It's not that anything happened or didn't happen to make it unenjoyable. It's more that there was so much shoved into the story that was fairly unnecessary. It easily could've been condensed by 100 pages and been just as good. That being said, it was still very well written - the characters were believable, the plot was pretty well-paced (just a bit wordy at times), and the ending was actually a bit of a surprise. All in all, I thought it was a very satisfying read. Now, I can watch the movie and see if they did it justice.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    It started with a loss... and ended with a find - herself. Holly, a 30 years old, just lost her husband. After spending a month or so grieving, she found some letters from her husband to her, with a list that was made to guide her out of sorrow and into another life, a life without him.Some people may find this book full of cliches, and badly written, but personally i teared heavily through out the book. It brought up alot of memories, of idealisms that i had as a child, of the love i felt for my ex boyfriends and how losing each of them was a huge drama by themselves.Read it, and find the naive love in yourself again :)
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    This book absolutely frightens me - I picked it up to please the woman in my life and have something to talk about. And then, wham, hit with this cliched piece of immature writing. Because even if I take this novel with a large grain of salt, the seriousness of some responses have me seriously worried about the state of Men and Women's Union. Gerry, the dead husband, isn't human. Apparently he is a mythical god-like man who didn't ever make a mistake, and always said the right thing, even in death. We get told of fights (remember the one over the kids?) but not shown. Every time Gerry shows up in the story, he's this saintlike figure of, I dunno, something. And who sends their wife out on a vacation, and buys tickets for her girlfriends? No man I know.Holly is a brat, and much like a brat, apparently she needs a pat o n the back from whichever character is nearest to her during the breakdown and the she sniffles and she's better. She very carefully walks the line between boozer and bum. She doesn't work for much of the book, and from her own accounting, Gerry was the only thing in her life: he decided everything. So congrats, after breaking down barriers in the last twenty years, the heroine is still a housewife at heart. At least she transforms into a form of woman I recognize.Now Gerry and Holly I don't like, you can imagine what I have to say about the rest.There are some bright spots in PS I Love You. The author has plenty of time to improve her writing, and with the money from the movie deal, the cash to pay off a ghostwriter. I think she's gonna have a good time ahead of her. But I'll check in with her latest in about ten years. I might get a conversation outta her then.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    I felt that the characters were two dimensional and the plot was predictable. While it is meant to be 'chick-lit' escapist writing, there are much better, more enjoyable books out there in that genre than this one.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    I find it very difficult to believe Ms. Ahern wrote this book at the age of 21. Her understanding of people and how they cope with a tragedy such as young widowhood is astounding. All of the characters in this book are incredibly believable and genuine. Holly is easy to relate to even if you haven't been in her situation and has such an unique voice. The only detail that might reveal the tender age of the author is in the simplicity of her prose, but in a book like this, it reads as well. The message is more important than the words used to convey it. This book goes beyond "chick lit" to entrance most any reader.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    'PS. I love You' is so sad. A few parts of the novel were a bit boring and just went on forever. However, I really liked the plot and how Gerry wrote the ten letters. It was like a part of Gerry was still there with Holly, watching over her. When Holly's husband Gerry dies of an unexpected brain tumor, she can't stand being without the only one who knows her better than anyone else. She discovers that Gerry left her ten letters before he passed away, instructing her to do things to be able to start a new life and not sit at home and grieve all day. Each week, there is something new for Holly to do. Come with Holly on this re-discovery of marriage, friendship and how ten letters helped her to start a new life.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    Better dynamics than movie but takes longer to reach conclusionAfter seeing the movie, I decided to read the book. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the book after I enjoyed the movie.The book had better dynamics than the movie but it takes longer to reach the semi-same conclusionI thought the characters were incredibly well developed. It is every wife’s nightmare to be in Holly’s position but I feel like she captured as best as possible what it would be like to be her.Unlike the movie where they were almost nonexistent, the side characters were also well developed. Her friends and family were portrayed in a realistic and entertaining way. I especially loved the sibling dynamics.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    soooo sad. but towards the end, it's so funny. every girl should have as much fun as possible because you never know what will happen.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    This book touched my heart of a woman who loses her husband but finds comfort in letters he left her. Amazing piece of work!
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    A wonderful read. If you are a romantic at heart, this book's for you. Just have a box of tissues ready..
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    I loved this book! What a wonderful love story. Make sure you have your tissues before you start! I heard they are making a movie.