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Spiritual Lineage
Spiritual Lineage
Spiritual Lineage
E-book11 páginas3 minutos

Spiritual Lineage

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Spiritual Lineage Reformed Publisher Sion Missionary Society Anointing and Legacy _______________ God chooses a people for himself, God chooses a bride for his son Jesus Christ, a holy people, separated in eternity for the wedding of the lamb, God outlines a plan when we did not yet exist, but he seeing the ages, he seeing future generations choose men and women to become children of God, beings who are not carnal but spiritual. A predetermined plan in the heart of God, a plan outlined in the highest, that choice did not start in me, it did not start in you, it started in what is the great I AM. The word that became flesh and dwelt among us, with grace and mercy, it is faithful.
Data de lançamento19 de fev. de 2020
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    Spiritual Lineage - Missionary Society Anointing And Legacy

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