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O Ioga dos Poetas
O Ioga dos Poetas
O Ioga dos Poetas
E-book83 páginas48 minutos

O Ioga dos Poetas

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Have you ever felt the yearning to seek solace and understanding within, to find inner peace and a wellspring of personal growth? "O Ioga dos Poetas

Data de lançamento8 de mar. de 2024
O Ioga dos Poetas

Iolanda Serapicos

Iolanda Serapicos is a Portuguese poet who seamlessly blends physical and metaphysical themes into immersive literary works. Her evocative language flows with graceful reverence, guiding readers on inward journeys of self-discovery and awakening.Serapicos' poetry melds symbolism and profound insights into an exploration of the sacred union between body, mind, and spirit. Whether examining concepts of balance, strength, and flexibility or contemplating the transcendent depths of human existence, her verses possess a pearl of wisdom and compassion.With each poem, Serapicos invites her audience to embrace the physical world as a gateway toward self-realization. Her insightful contemplations inspire readers to discover their own wellsprings of serenity, courage, and hard-won wisdom lying within. Masterfully giving life to abstract ideas through vivid metaphor, she captures the essence of lived experience and spiritual growth.Serapicos' works embody the interconnectedness that arises when mindful creative expression unites the intellectual and experiential realms in perfect harmony. With her adeptness at merging the sensual and the philosophical, Serapicos enriches paths of inner exploration through transformative literary art.

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    O Ioga dos Poetas - Iolanda Serapicos

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