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A saga de Eragon chega ao fim neste emocionante volume do Ciclo A Herança.
Não muito tempo atrás, Eragon - Matador de Espectros, Cavaleiro de Dragão - nada mais era do que um pobre menino de fazenda. Seu dragão, Saphira, não passava de uma pedra azul na floresta. Agora, o destino de toda uma civilização repousa sobre seus ombros.
Longos meses de lutas e treinamentos trouxeram vitórias e esperança, assim como perdas dolorosas. Mas a verdadeira batalha ainda está por vir: eles precisam enfrentar Galbatorix. Quando o fizerem, terão de ser fortes o suficiente para derrotá-lo. Se eles não puderem fazer isso, ninguém poderá. Não haverá segunda chance.
O Cavaleiro e seu dragão chegaram mais longe do que qualquer um ousou imaginar. Será que conseguirão derrubar o rei do mal e reestabelecer a justiça na Alagaësia? E a que custo?
Em Herança, Christopher Paolini conclui a fascinante saga do jovem Cavaleiro de Dragão, iniciada em Eragon, Eldest e Brisingr - os quatro livros que compõem o bestseller mundial Ciclo A Herança.
Data de lançamento2 de jul. de 2012

Christopher Paolini

Christopher is the firstborn of Kenneth and Talita. Creator of the World of Eragon and the Fractalverse. Holder of the Guinness World Record for youngest author of a bestselling series. Qualified for marksman in the Australian army. Scottish laird. Dodged gunfire . . . more than once. As a child, was chased by a moose in Alaska. Has his name inscribed on Mars. Husband. Father. Asker of questions and teller of stories.

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Nota: 3.868728590652921 de 5 estrelas

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  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    An interesting story
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    Book 1 and 2 are amazing, it was obvious he was inspired by Lord of the Rings but most modern fantasy is and he wrote the first book as a kid. It's justifiable. In Book 3 we see he has grown as a writer but his overconfidence with this fact becomes his downfall. He overwrites, trying to show off his growth by bouncing between different perspectives despite it being unnecessary (and frankly many times unwanted). Still it was decent addition. Here in book 4 he went off the deep end and all the issues with book 3 become amplified.Not only is it drastically overwritten like book 3, he leaves too many loose ends (which he claims was "on purpose") for a final book in a series. Apparently he is also claiming he will one day write a book 5 to tie up these loose ends but it will not be for a very long time. I do not believe "The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm" is meant to be this book 5. The climax involving the big bad felt rushed and more went on outside the scene than in it. Moving to the ending, it is probably the worst of any book or series I've ever read. Three of the most prominent characters go against the natures he has just spent the entire series setting up, and everything is left on a very sad forlorn note. While I will defend his inspiration from Lord of the Rings in his earlier works, what he did here is inexcusable. The end is almost a carbon copy of the ending to the Lord of the Rings series.I genuinely feel like Paolini said "Screw it" toward the end and did a great disservice to fans. In my honest opinion, this was the worst book in the series and the ending is unjustifiable and frankly lazy. I will likely never buy any of his works going forward.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    Not my favorite book of the series but wrapped everything up nicely.
  • Nota: 1 de 5 estrelas
    I have to be honest-I mainly skimmed this book.

    The grammar was terrible, he used words that should not used in sentences like that, nouns were all over the place: it was just terrible.

    The story was pretty much a waste of time, too. Nothing seemed to happen. There were a few twists, most of them predictable, and NOBODY DIED. It was supposed to be a war, a fight, a really hard struggle. NOBODY DIED. What? I know it's hard to kill off characters, but people die. They die all the time.

    I only read it, because, as a fan of the first book, I had to know how it ended. If I had hindsight-isn't everything better with hindsight?-I would not have read it. I would have been content to know that I didn't know. The whole series seemed to have gotten progressively worse after the first book. I really have nothing else to say. A big disappointment, could have been done better.

    Paolini also seemed to try... TOO HARD. Really, too hard. Just, aargh. Waste of space.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    I really wish I could have given this book 3.5 stars.

    Anyway, I enjoyed this book just as I enjoyed the previous 3 in the series. Unfortunately when it comes to using way more words than necessary, this is the worst book of them all. I found myself skimming through many parts of the book and not really missing out on anything. I think the book could have been a third it's size and still have told the story effectively and had the same impact. So I found myself annoyed at how long it took to read this book, mostly because the other three had the same problem to a lesser degree, so by the time I got around to reading this 4th book, I really just wanted it to be OVER already, despite how much I love the story.

    That said, regarding the story itself, there were a few minor things that were never answered, and that's annoying, but overall the major things were answered and the series has a good ending which I really appreciated.

    In regards to the writing skill, it seemed improved over previous books, but considering that by the time he wrote this book he was well into his adulthood and had three other books under his belt, it really should have been a lot better than it was.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    I was very disappointed. I'd so looked forward to reading the story, though I have to admit it wasn't for the main character Eragon but rather his brother Roran that interested me by the time this book rolled around. Roran seemed to be a much stronger character in so many ways. Unfortunately he doesn't save this book for me. I had a very hard time finishing.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    Elves, dwarfs dragons, spells, magic, and fighting; this book has it all. i could have done with out all the gory description of the battles but this is what will make it interesting to the boys. This book goes on and on and in the end you can see how the author has set up events that can lead to another book.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    Ugh, hallelujah, I'm done with this crap. The final battle was completely lackluster and the ending made the end of The Return of the King look abrupt - it just dragged on long past the audience losing interest.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    LOVED IT. perfect ending to this series, though a little sad. definitely steps away from other young adult endings.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    The final book in the Inheritance series was worth the wait. It's quite an undertaking at 850 pages. And for nearly the entire book, the characters are waging war. So, very intense. We got a few things we had long waited for, including coming face to face with Galbatorix. I liked that he teased us at first, only giving us peeks here and there.There were a few unexpected twists as well, which I won't go into, so as not to spoil anyone. Suffice to say the tension was high for most of the story, leading to many late nights where I couldn't put down the book!
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    I was really expecting better from this last book, especially since it has been so long in coming(and yet another trilogy split into 4 books for reasons I cannot fathom), but the ending was pretty predictable. There were some surprising plot twists throughout the story, but overall the book was entirely too verbose, although the writing was much better than the first book, evidence of Paolini's growth in the craft. It actually took me a long time to finish it because I picked up a couple books between chapters - I just wasn't riveted to the story as I was in the first two books. Not only that but by the end of the book I actually disliked both Arya and Eragon.

    I really enjoyed the entire series but this last book could have been much shorter and more interesting. I would have liked to learn more about Angela, focused more on the relationship between Eragon and Jeod, fleshed out Murtagh more, and the climatic fight was utterly disappointing. There was far too much magic and not enough character development.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    Finally - the end to Christopher Paolini's fantasy epic Inheritance Cycle! This book has been on many people's list as the most anticipated book of 2011. The first three books in the series were fast paced and innovative. Paolini created a fantasy world with an imaginative cast of characters including elves, dragons, dwarves and other creatures. The story was filled with tales of amazing heroism as the different nations united together to overthrow the evil despot, Galbatorix. Inheritance, the final book in the cycle wraps up this very elaborate story. I listened to all 4 very long books or 100 hours of audio narration. Luckily, the narrator of this series, Gerard Doyle is excellent and the plots of the first 3 books were pretty engrossing. But I was disappointed with this final book. There were excruciating detailed descriptions of scenery, battles, back history, Eragon's thoughts and fears, Nasuada's thoughts and fears, Roran's thoughts and fears, even the feelings of minor characters from previous books that I didn't even remember - wow - WAY too much detail. This final novel runs over 31 hours and at least 10 hours could have been cut. Much of the story prepares all the players for a final confrontation - good exciting scenes here. And then, the last several hours are spent wrapping up every minor loose end - sort of an anticlimatic finish.

    My other major gripe about this book is the main character Eragon. In the first book, Eragon is a teenage boy who becomes a reluctant hero. Although raised in a farming community, he has been selected by chance to become a dragon rider. He acquires the skills to fight, use magic, ride dragons, and ultimately lead the revolt to overthrow Galbatorix. Eragon does all of this with an expected amount of whining and plenty of 'why me' moaning. All of this is understandable in the early parts of this series. But by this final book, Eragon has faced death repeatedly, led thousands of soldiers into battles, and masterminded some amazing coups, but the immature self-doubt continued - and for me - got very old.

    Overall, I would probably give this book 2.5 stars, but the overall series was still very good, even with the lackluster finish.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    I'm sorry to see this series end. My son and I have listened to all four books together and enjoyed each one.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    It’s been a while since I’ve read any books in this series, so it was a little jarring to be so immersed in the culture of Alagaësia once more. Paolini led the exposition with a few action sequences (which he has gotten much better at writing, I might add), which is the perfect way to get the reader hooked. Paolini’s narration style has always been a bit wordy, and in some cases it took me out of the story a bit. However, I found myself duly impressed with this book, something that has never happened to me before when it comes to this series: it surpasses by far the books before it in both quality of writing and plot. I was particularly pleased with the development of some of my favorite characters, as well as a partial glimpse, if not explanation, of some of the more mysterious aspects of the world that Paolini has created. I felt like Paolini was finally comfortable enough with the elements and rules of his world that he could finally focus his attention on bettering his story… it shouldn’t have taken three books to get to that point, of course, but it’s worth the wait, trust me.While the ending of the series rang hollow and left me feeling somewhat cheated out of the ending I felt I was promised at the beginning of the series, it leaves the books open for a sequel (or prequel), which leaves me hopeful. Overall, this book ranks first out of all the others; Paolini has finally found that balance between a good narrative and an engaging cast of characters. The rest of his books pale in comparison, which makes me excited for Paolini's future as a fantasy author.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Book four is a mostly satisfying conclusion to the Inheritance cycle. Paolini is sometimes faulted for his writing style; however, we must remember that the author is literally growing in his field as is his lead character. The development of Glaedr and the Elduanari into a "Yoda" type of advisor was an excellent way to bring the spirits of the dragons into the story. While some complain, I think Paolini does an excellent job of blending concepts from other writers into his new world.Bravo to this rising talent and for those who want to nitpick details -- write a better book if you can.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    The final book in the Inheritance saga. I really really enjoyed [Inheritance] it is by far the best book in the series. [[Paolini]] has finally got the craft of story telling right. The pacing of the story was excellent, gone are the long boring chapters about training or background story. Yes its still a long book but everything that appears in the book deserves to be there and adds something to the story. The twists and turns of the story a great and as mentioned in previous reviews not everyone gets what they want but its ok, I can live with the ending and maybe there will be another book about what happens to Murtagh and Thron.4 1/2 stars
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    Man, what a beast of a book. At around 850 pages, it took me about a month (with a lot of distractions) to finish. It rounds off the series nicely, is not too cloying and leaves enough unanswered questions to not feel like it's all been tied up neatly. It was lovely to be able to live in Paolini's world for a month, after living through the other books, it has a homely feel, a sense of familiarity. He has managed to develop a very complete world, quite a feat.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    "Say what you will, Stronghammer.""It is this: too much blood and too many tears have been shed for us to turn back now... This may be a battle between gods... but I for one will keep fighting until the gods strike me down, or until I strike them down. A dragon might kill ten thousand wolves one at a time, but ten thousand wolves together can kill a dragon."Do you need to read the previous three? (Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr) Yes. Absolutely. Even though Paolini gives a summary of events in the prelude, you MUST read the other ones. This one makes every previous page worthwhile twice over. When I tell you it is riproaring action from chapter one on, believe it. This series has been aiming for a fantastic, bloody, magical ending from the first sentence of Eragon, and Inheritance doesn't disappoint. It is a can't-put-down fantasy, and though readers think they know where it's headed... you're all wrong. You may get there eventually, but like in the wonderful poem Ithaka, it's the journey that matters. Death and birth, violence, torture, good and evil and everything in between, this is amazing writing (tighter and better edited than the last two) and will leave you thinking about its events and characters for a long time afterward. Strong 7th grade readers and up.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Once you get past the first 300 pages or so, the story really starts to pick up. After that, it's tough to put down. Overall, I'm pleased with the way it all wrapped up in the end.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    The conclusion to the Inheritance series. Eragon, the first Dragon Rider to emerge after nearly a century, continues his quest to defeat the evil Galbatorix, who rules Alagaesia with cruel tyranny. The final volume answers many questions that had emerged over the course of the series, and many central characters meet their fates. Like much of this series, Inheritance draws on fantasy traditions and stereotypical plot lines, which sometimes make the book predictable, sometimes a little corny, but also somewhat comforting in its tradition. While not groundbreaking or startlingly original, Inheritance nevertheless makes for a good, fun read.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Inheritance shows a writer finally understanding what makes a great story which is the way you tell it. While Paolini still makes some small mistakes, he has discovered the correct pacing needed with more action and less drab background told through the characters. Inheritance flew by for me compared to its predecessors which felt weighed down by long pointless chapters, Eragon’s training, and what felt like endless traveling. Inheritance brings an exciting and satisfying conclusion to the series. I’m in love with the imperfect happy ending of characters not getting exactly what they want. Also I like how not all the loose ends are tied up and I don’t need them to be. I can let my own imagination take over and that’s the way it should be.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    I really liked this series. I was a little disappointed that Earagon decided to leave to train the dragons somewhere else, expecially after it was decided that any race (urgals, dwarves, etc) could be a dragon rider. I also thought the Murtaugh love story was left hanging at the end.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Read the full review here.Inheritance certainly delivers as the long awaited ending to the Inheritance Cycle. The final battle with Galbatorix and the fate of Alagaësia following it is examined well in the book, and I never felt the ending was forced. There were a few surprises when I was reading the book, but that's because I was expecting Paolini to tie things off in a different manner. Since this is the last book in the series, I can really see how Paolini's writing has matured, much in the same way as Eragon matured in the books. The plot is strong throughout the book, and the characters remain true to themselves. The plot centred a lot more on Saphira, and my favourite parts are always when the story is told from her point of view. I also really enjoyed the parts of the books that featured Murtagh. I have always found him to be one of the most interesting characters and it was great to finally learn more about him. I am really glad that Inheritance finally came out - I have been waiting for years and it was great to finally know what happens to Eragon, Saphira, Arya, and everyone else. this is a must read if you have started the series and aren't sure if you want to go on - it's worth it! And if you haven't read the Inheritance Cycle, then I highly recommend it to you.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    Well, it's better than Brisingr. I do not recommend this series, yet I would like to read an account of Murtagh's future travels - if it's written by a different author.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    I thought Inheritance was some what of a good book but truly it wasn't the best. Inheritance was good at the beginning but just felt it was pretty much the same as i was reading the book. I did like though the part with the big battle Roran and his men but after that it just was like the same. I would really suggest not reading this book unless you've read rest of the books in order. Really though i thought it was not a good book but had its moments.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    I have just completed the Inheritance Cycle, my heart is broken and the tears wont stop. Eragon, safe travels and my the sun and wind always be at your back. xo Thank you for this journey Christopher Paolini your work has moved me deeply. Highly highly recommend this series,
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Inheritance (The Vault of Souls)Summary: Eragon is a dragon rider. He is one of three in the world. The three are he, his half brother Murtag, and the evil king Galbatorix. Galbatorix has been ruling over all the land for hundreds of years and is able to do this because he is a dragon rider and is able to live forever (unless he is killed). Murtag was captured by Galbatorix and forced to swear himself to Galbatorix. Eragon and the entire Varden (the people fighting against Galbatorix) are slowly taking over the empire one battle at a time. When they get close to reaching the capital (where Galbatorix lives) Eragon and Saphira (his dragon) fly to an old island where the dragon riders lived before Galbatorix killed them all. They go there and look for the Rock of Kuthian and inside it the Vault of Souls. The Vault of Souls holds the key to defeating Galbatorix and they need to get what is inside it and fast. Once they discover what is inside the vault they go back to the Varden and lead them to Galbatorix. In the end it comes down to just Eragon and Galbatorix in a fight to the death.Review: Inheritance was an amazing book. The Inheritance series is probably the best series I have ever read and Inheritance was probably the best book in the series. If I could rate this book on a scale of one to ten, I would rate it at least a nine. The author did a great job with this book. The plot is amazing, the book uses a lot of good vocabulary, the characters and the setting are all developed very well, and overall the story is great. I would definitely recommend this book to anybody who likes to read and who enjoys a bit of a challenge reading. I would also recommend it to anybody who likes action and adventure books with a bit of romance. This book (and series) is a must read for almost anybody.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
     I didint finish this book, I dropped it so im not going to write a complete summary and review, just as to what I despised about this book and more over the series. Its white-bread. Its boring. Its on par with the level of detail in a Stephen King Novel, but at least he can write it well. All the details seem forced, like one instant Eragon will be in a fight and then he will look over at a bush and it will remind him of how his stupid dead dad isn't his dad. Its quite ridiculous. And its not only the details its just the plot. Sure its been a while since Ive read the first 3 books but thank the heavens for the 11 page recount of names I cant pronounce and the reminder that the only cool characters are dead or evil now. Its Glabatorix or Viaulien or the Shire or some garbage that isnt relevant at all except when Paolini believes it to be. Its subplots this, easy and predictable things like Brom being his real dad and Murutagh being his brother, then dont get me started on the pathetic romance between him and Anya. It builds it up so much throughout the 2 books that you just know its not going to work. She'll get some important job, and he'll get a important job involving the dragons, and then she'll say "Maybe". Its awfully pathetic on Eragon's as well as he constantly swoons after her and he does not get the message that shes like a 100 years old, but looks 24, and hes like 17? Maybe hes into older women I don't know. But in conclusion I didn't finish this book mainly because of my remembrance of how bad the last 2 books were, and I didn't want the 800 pages of awful.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    It was a good conclusion to the series. It was as I had come to expect from Paolini. But now I'm sad that I will never get to read this series again for the first time.

    As a fan of the series, the ending was okay. While it fit with the series as a whole, there are some things I wish didn't happen or had happened differently. However, I understand why they did end the way they did.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    After quite a while waiting, I was looking forward to the end of this series. However, I was very disappointed by what turned out to be a boring and predictable book.

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Herança - Christopher Paolini

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