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The Soul: In Poetry
The Soul: In Poetry
The Soul: In Poetry
E-book139 páginas51 minutos

The Soul: In Poetry

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When we discover that we are matter, we come to understand that lives are portions of hard clay in the Potter's hands and the poetry in his rhymes, come to us as living water, which when appreciated, can undo our clods, erase our dust, soften our hardness and allow the Potter to remodel us, retemper our senses and feelings, make us flexible to the point of letting us connect with all forms of life, in an angelic lightness, where love makes everything possible when the SOUL is POETRY
Data de lançamento30 de abr. de 2022
The Soul: In Poetry

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    The Soul - Carlos Silva Santos


    I need to change my floor of clouds

    By the gravel path you lives,

    Knowing how to have you as the greatest of my possessions,

    Find the man you love in me.

    I need to take off  my costume,

    From the castles you did not live with me,

    I need to find joy

    In everything that also brings peace and shelter .

    I need to do it , and it has to be done now,

    Everything that within my reach,

    Before you finally decide, to walk away

    Before I regret not having a chance,

    Before it is no longer worth desiring change,

    Before I have no hope anymore.


    If you want to feel happiness in love,

    Do not despise your soul!

    It is where chemistry take place,

    Where tenderness sprouts and bears fruits,

    It is in it that sift the differences and refines

    The essence of the truth that each one brings.

    It searches hearts,

    It is its the aura,  the shield , the armor

    which involve love and protect it,

    It is its strength that rolls the stones of the path ,

    It is its that reminds him he is never alone 

    And deprive him from the sordid heretic deception.

    If you want to feel happiness in love ,

    Embrace and caress your soul!

    Do not despise its strength,

    The extraordinary strength to bear

    the lightness that is to love

    Everything from the other soul that makes you feel good.

    If you want to feel happiness in love,

    Do not despise your soul!

    Grant it the power of communication,

    Let it go ahead , find your beloved,

    Let it feel valued,

    Let it guide your heart .


    I have no desires,

    Unlike lovers, poets,

    Everything in the fog of uncertain things,

    Mere desires in absent kisses.

    I lost the time of dreams, of magic,

    I lost the morning flavors,

    The living delights of healthy things,

    The naive face of joy.

    I got lost in the curves of an Aphrodite,

    In Medusa’s sorcerous eyes,

    In the honey of a pleasure that is satisfied and smeared,

    On the edge of a danger that deepens and allows itself.

    I became an insensible soul, in the hardships of discomfort,

    Far from the venial, on the edge of the precipice,

    I am the own fate of the atrocious addictions,

    The specter of dead love.


    Behold I see him mature,

    Take his corners, the pubic hair,

    Like volcano larva, hormones heated,

    Fearless dreams and desires,

    Restless soul, insane limits.

    Starting point, armed flight

    Sharp radar, your body looks for,

    You will be deceived by your certainty,

    Useless pleasures within a beauty,

    Hidden beauty within a candor.

    They will give to the smile, strange souls,

    Opposites glances will recognize each other,

    Two bodies will vibrate without continence,

    Feelings stronger than appearances, 

    They will denounce the rumblings of your heart.

    Behold I see him mature,

    In a perfectly safe flight,

    On firm and expected landing

    By the fusion that I found him,

    That he matured without a formula or a prescription.


    I love you, my love and it that’s enough,

    Do not ask me what I can not give you,

    How hard and chaste the truth.

    Where and how would I find it?

    Do not ask me what I do not have,

    You have me, believe in what I give you,

    You can not give me everything when I look for you

    And not everything I find is what I want and get.

    We love each other in our way,

    Contrary to the others standards of wanting,

    What for many is clumsy, imperfect,

    For us, a liking without compromising ourselves.


    The way you lie, enchants me,

    Everyone who sees you pass on the street,

    They can not imagine you naked,

    Your gaze repels them, scares them away.

    Dress yourself so as not to provoke,

    You close your forehead, always guarded.

    How would they imagine under that full circle skirt,

    So much fire reverberating?

    That’s impossible to know your

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