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Lenore (uma Peã) & O Corvo / Lenore (a Pæan) & The Raven
Lenore (uma Peã) & O Corvo / Lenore (a Pæan) & The Raven
Lenore (uma Peã) & O Corvo / Lenore (a Pæan) & The Raven
E-book18 páginas14 minutos

Lenore (uma Peã) & O Corvo / Lenore (a Pæan) & The Raven

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[Traduzido por / Translated by]: Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva
Data de lançamento20 de jan. de 2022
Lenore (uma Peã) & O Corvo / Lenore (a Pæan) & The Raven

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American poet, short story writer, and editor. Born in Boston to a family of actors, Poe was abandoned by his father in 1810 before being made an orphan with the death of his mother the following year. Raised in Richmond, Virginia by the Allan family of merchants, Poe struggled with gambling addiction and frequently fought with his foster parents over debts. He attended the University of Virginia for a year before withdrawing due to a lack of funds, enlisting in the U.S. Army in 1827. That same year, Poe anonymously published Tamerlane and Other Poems, his first collection. After failing to graduate from West Point, Poe began working for several literary journals as a critic and editor, moving from Richmond to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. In 1836, he obtained a special license to marry Virginia Clemm, his 13-year-old cousin, who moved with him as he pursued his career in publishing. In 1838, Poe published The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, a tale of a stowaway on a whaling ship and his only novel. In 1842, Virginia began showing signs of consumption, and her progressively worsening illness drove Poe into deep depression and alcohol addiction. “The Raven” (1845) appeared in the Evening Mirror on January 29th. It was an instant success, propelling Poe to the forefront of the American literary scene and earning him a reputation as a leading Romantic. Following Virginia’s death in 1847, Poe became despondent, overwhelmed with grief and burdened with insurmountable debt. Suffering from worsening mental and physical illnesses, Poe was found on the streets of Baltimore in 1849 and died only days later. He is now recognized as a literary pioneer who made important strides in developing techniques essential to horror, detective, and science fiction.

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    Pré-visualização do livro

    Lenore (uma Peã) & O Corvo / Lenore (a Pæan) & The Raven - Edgar Allan Poe

    ❦[Lenore (Uma Peã) & O Corvo / Lenore (A Pæan) & The Raven]❦

    By / Por – Edgar Allan Poe

    Tra.: Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva

    Link: https://www.eapoe.org/index.htm

    Notas do Tradutor / Notes of the Translator:

    1 – Apesar de que no Português do Brasil usa-se o termo corvo pra traduzir tanto as aves conhecidas no inglês como Ravens e Crows, existem diferenças entre eles:

    *Ravens são maiores que crows.

    *Crows têm bicos retos e mais curtos; ravens têm bicos mais longos, cobertos com pelos (na verdade eles são um tipo de pena) na base e curvados na ponta.

    *Ravens têm penas pretas brilhosas de um tom quase azul/roxo; Crows têm penas pretas que não são brilhosas e têm um tom quase verde.

    *Crows têm uma cauda que é redonda na extremidade; Ravens têm uma cauda que é triangular na extremidade.

    *Ravens têm asas mais longas com um contorno geral pontiagudo; Crow têm asas mais curtas com um contorno geral redondo.

    *Ravens gostam de fazer um movimento conhecido no inglês como soar (ganhar altitude ao ficar sobre correntes de ar) e fazer acrobacias durante o vôo; Crow batem suas asas mais

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