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SAMI O URSINHO MÁGICO: Não ao bullying!: (Full-Color Edition)
SAMI O URSINHO MÁGICO: Não ao bullying!: (Full-Color Edition)
SAMI O URSINHO MÁGICO: Não ao bullying!: (Full-Color Edition)
E-book29 páginas6 minutos

SAMI O URSINHO MÁGICO: Não ao bullying!: (Full-Color Edition)

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SAMI, o ursinho de peluche mágico acorre em auxílio de crianças que se sentem sozinhas e que têm de enfrentar acontecimentos perturbadores no decurso das suas vidas. Hoje, SAMI intervém na vida de Thomas, que é objeto de zombaria e de bullying, oferecendo-lhe apoio e ajudando-o a ultrapassar esses momento

Data de lançamento21 de out. de 2016
SAMI O URSINHO MÁGICO: Não ao bullying!: (Full-Color Edition)

Murielle Bourdon

Murielle Bourdon was born in Longueuil, in the province of Quebec in Canada. She is mother of three young adults.Since her early childhood she developed a passion for reading, writing short stories and poems, including drawing. Secretary for more than 15 years, she decided in 1996 to change her careers towards creativity and what fascinates her: art and writing.She returned to school and received a bachelor degree in graphic design. In 17 years, her remarkable artistry creates outstanding achievement for a variety of customers.At the beginning of 2014 Murielle decides to realize a dream which she secretly had harbored since her young age, and devotes herself to writing and illustration. By creating a collection of children's books, she wants to share the real and imaginary world which is in her, with young readers.

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    SAMI O URSINHO MÁGICO - Murielle Bourdon

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