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Three alpha women: Ester is a debauched disquised beaunt lives her life wholy surrendered to lust.Lucia is a inconsolable widow and Eve is a fatal woman who surrounds her victims with sharp claws. Ouro Preto of colors, mountains, aromas and flavors.Adriano, betrayed husband becomes violent. After a trip to the most beuatiful baroque cities of Minas Gerais, a brazilian family sees their life change course radically.The work is a trilogy. Structured in Estrada Real cosmogony, “AGAIN _The Parties of Bacchus”, crosses the Royal Road in order to be revealed by the tasty paths of the incredible baroque cities of the route and as the gold and precious stones route of the king of Portugal has its end in Paraty(Rio de Janeiro-BRAZIL). Come with us in this unforgetable story of love, eroticism and learning.
Data de lançamento30 de jan. de 2017

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    Again - Edna Aiar

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