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Quantum Medicine, Nonlocal Acupuncture And Sound Healing
Quantum Medicine, Nonlocal Acupuncture And Sound Healing
Quantum Medicine, Nonlocal Acupuncture And Sound Healing
E-book110 páginas1 hora

Quantum Medicine, Nonlocal Acupuncture And Sound Healing

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The idea that the acupuncture meridians are channels or optical fiber is being increasingly accepted by researches due to the support of Quantum Physics. The optical fiber is an extremely thin and flexible filament made of ultrapure glass, plastic or other electrical insulator that can transport light. The light traveling through these subtle optical channels or meridians is known as biophotons.The vital body may be formed by a network of quantum nature optical fibers, in which circulates at bioinformatics radiation . In Chinese Medicine, the vital energy has an energetic and informative nature at the same time. All information shows that biophotons are the providers of the main signs and physical bases for intracellular and extracellular biological regulation. Acupuncture is much more than a number of protocols involving the use of needles in different acupoints in the treatment of different pathologies. It is possible an Acupuncture able to access a more efficient level of information, which is aimed for restoration and harmonization of morphogenetic fields.
Data de lançamento28 de dez. de 2017
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    Quantum Medicine, Nonlocal Acupuncture And Sound Healing - Antonio Ricardo Nahas, I.m.d., D.n.m. And Ph.d.

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