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ChatGPT talks on science for young people: Cell Biology!: Discover the secrets of life with the help of artificial intelligence
ChatGPT talks on science for young people: Cell Biology!: Discover the secrets of life with the help of artificial intelligence
ChatGPT talks on science for young people: Cell Biology!: Discover the secrets of life with the help of artificial intelligence
E-book85 páginas40 minutos

ChatGPT talks on science for young people: Cell Biology!: Discover the secrets of life with the help of artificial intelligence

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This book follows a series of "conversations" with these tools, mainly with "chatGPT 4.0" but also with "Bard". It's well known that chatGPT is hampered in its research up to a certain point in time and, because they are language modeling tools, they end up inventing... a lot, especially in bibliographic references. However, accessory tools are emerging that make it possible to improve and even correct this situation, tools that will certainly become much more powerful in the future, but which are already a reality. So, using all these AI tools, a book has been created that aims to be a pedagogical tool that answers a series of questions that can be asked by secondary and higher education students, or even people who are just interested in these issues, but who don't have the access or predisposition to use these types of AI tools.
Data de lançamento28 de out. de 2023
ChatGPT talks on science for young people: Cell Biology!: Discover the secrets of life with the help of artificial intelligence

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    ChatGPT talks on science for young people - Paulo Dario

    ChatGPT talks on science for young people: Cell Biology! Discover the secrets of life with the help of artificial intelligence

    ChatGPT talks on science for young people: Cell Biology! Discover the secrets of life with the help of artificial intelligence

    Paulo Dario

    Author: Paulo Dario

    Cover design: Paulo Dario

    ISBN: 9789403713281

    © Paulo Dario

    Introduction to Human Biology

    What is Biology and Why is it Important?

    Biology, at its core, is the study of life. It encompasses the study of living organisms, from the tiniest bacteria to the complex human beings, and everything in between. Biology is a multifaceted science that seeks to understand the fundamental principles governing life, as well as the intricate interactions that occur at molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecosystem levels ¹.

    Biology is crucial because it allows us to understand the vital processes occurring within our bodies and in the world around us. For instance, genetics, a subfield of biology, helps us understand how traits are inherited and how DNA, genes, and chromosomes function ². Additionally, biology plays a pivotal role in fields like ecology and conservation, where understanding species and their interactions is vital ³.

    Biology is also deeply intertwined with other scientific disciplines. For example, quantitative biology involves the application of the scientific method, where measurement is directed towards testing theories, recognizing that theory and models play critical roles in biology, just as they do in physics and engineering [J. Howard, 2014] ². Moreover, molecular biology and evolutionary biology are converging to bring evolutionary processes to bear on medical issues such as cancer and infectious diseases ⁴.

    Biology is also fundamental in understanding who we are as human beings. Studies in human biology provide fundamental insights into evolutionary processes and enhance our understanding of the biology of many other species ⁵. Furthermore, computational biology has become an integral part of biology, with computational techniques being central in the quest for understanding life ⁶.

    In summary, biology is a vital science that helps us understand the living world around us. It provides the tools and knowledge needed to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time, from diseases to environmental issues.

    A Brief History of Human Biology

    Human biology, as a discipline, has evolved significantly over the years, reflecting the broader shifts in our understanding of life, evolution, and the intricacies of the human body. This evolution has been shaped by various scientific, social, and political influences, leading to a rich tapestry of knowledge that we have today.

    The post-war era marked a significant transformation in the field of human biology, especially in the UK. Leaders like Joseph S. Weiner played pivotal roles in the New Physical Anthropology movement, emphasizing evolutionary theory while de-emphasizing race classification. This shift was instrumental in applying scientific methods to problem-solving across various fields ⁷.

    Another notable shift in the understanding of human biology was the integration of cultural perspectives. Anthropologists like A. Goodman have highlighted the dialectical emergence of cultural-biologicals, emphasizing the interconnectedness of social, political, and ecological processes with human biology. This perspective underscores the influence of stratification factors such as racism, sexism, and class inequalities on our biological beings, impacting nutrition, stress, and overall health ⁸.

    The advancements in molecular biology have also provided profound insights into human evolution. The study of sequence variation in nuclear DNA has been pivotal in unraveling the genetic changes that have

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