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Exploring The Depths
Exploring The Depths
Exploring The Depths
E-book42 páginas18 minutos

Exploring The Depths

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Sobre este e-book

Welcome to Exploring the Depths, a unique and empowering journey into the world of self-psychoanalysis inspired by the profound insights of Freudian psychoanalysis and other renowned psychoanalysts. This handbook is designed as a valuable companion for psychoanalysis students, individuals seeking personal growth, and those interested in fostering understanding within families or groups. Embarking on a voyage into the unconscious mind, this guide encourages self-reflection, introspection, and a deeper understanding of the complexities that shape our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. Rooted in the foundational principles laid out by Freud and enriched by the contributions of other eminent psychoanalysts, this handbook provides a comprehensive set of questions and prompts to facilitate the exploration of your inner world.
Data de lançamento17 de dez. de 2023
Exploring The Depths

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    Exploring The Depths - Jimmy L. De Mello

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