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The cat in plaid: Accessible edition with image descriptions
The cat in plaid: Accessible edition with image descriptions
The cat in plaid: Accessible edition with image descriptions
E-book37 páginas8 minutos

The cat in plaid: Accessible edition with image descriptions

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"The cat in plaid" It is a charming story in the form of poetry that narrates the adventures of a white kitten who wishes to change its color. He enters a paint store and tries various colors, but none of them leave him satisfied. However, after a series of incidents, he discovers the true meaning of self-acceptance. The story is a celebration of individuality and self-acceptance.
The audiobook is an adaptation of the author Fernanda Emediato's homonymous work and is available in various formats
Accessible edition with image descriptions
Edição acessível com descrição de imagem. 
"Era uma vez um gato xadrez" é uma encantadora história em forma de poesia que narra as aventuras de um gatinho branco que deseja mudar sua cor. Ele entra em uma loja de tintas e experimenta várias cores, mas nenhuma o deixa satisfeito. No entanto, após uma série de incidentes, ele descobre o verdadeiro sentido de se aceitar. A história é uma celebração da individualidade e da aceitação de si mesmo.
O audiolivro é uma adaptação da obra homônima da autora Fernanda Emediato e está disponível em diversos formatos.
Em português:
• Livro impresso
• Ebook acessível com descrição de imagens
• Audiolivro
• Audiolivro com descrição de imagem
Em inglês:
• Livro impresso
• Ebook acessível com descrição de imagens
• Audiolivro
Acesse o site da obra com o QRCODE da capa para acessar os conteúdos extras e informações:
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Data de lançamento9 de fev. de 2024
The cat in plaid: Accessible edition with image descriptions

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    Pré-visualização do livro

    The cat in plaid - Fernanda Emediato

    Image of a book cover titled The cat in plaid , written by Fernanda Emediato in collaboration with Alan Maia. The cover features a yellow background with details resembling autumn leaves in shades of orange and brown. In the center, there is an illustration of a white cat with a big smile, rosy cheeks, and a red and black checkered bow tie. The cat looks friendly and welcoming. Below the title, there is the seal of the Guri publishing house and small icons including a heart, a star, and a musical note. There is also a QR code in the upper right corner that instructs the person to try augmented reality. End of image.Image. Background image of a burgundy checkered pattern with stars and kitten paw prints centered, in yellow. End of image.Image. A background of wine-colored checkered design with a yellow cat's tail centered, and below, yellow cat paw prints. End of image.Image. stylized illustration of a cat's paw. The paw is white with brown outlines and features details that mimic cat fur, represented by thin black lines. The central pad of the paw is yellow, and there are four smaller pads at the bottom, also in yellow. The background is neutral, likely white, and the illustration has a clean and modern look. End of image.


    Have you ever heard the tale of the funniest of kittens who wanted to change the color of his fur? He tried several colors and ended up getting into a lot of trouble, but eventually things turned out all right. If you want to know what happened to this kitten, you must read The Cat in Plaid, a tale in rhymed verses. It is very funny,

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