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Viagens de Gulliver
Viagens de Gulliver
Viagens de Gulliver
Audiolivro (resumido)1 hora

Viagens de Gulliver

Escrito por Jonathan Swift

Narrado por Diversos

Nota: 4.5 de 5 estrelas



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A trilha sonora da versão em áudio de Viagens de Gulliver acompanha os diferentes momentos da história. Na primeira parte, instrumentos delicados ajudam a criar a ambientação de Lilipute, país de seres minúsculos visitado por Gulliver.

Depois, os timbres sonoros ganham corpo quando Gulliver visita Brobedinguenague, terra habitada por homens e mulheres que para ele são verdadeiros gigantes.

A última parte, que acontece em um mundo em que os cavalos têm uma participação bastante diferente da que conhecemos no mundo dos homens, é marcada por uma trilha baseada em relinchos e batidas de cascos.

Vozes: Barros Batista (imperador Golbasto); Di Ramon (Pregoeiro, Rei, personagem indefinido e som de cavalos); Giuliano Frade (narrador); Mauricio Sterchele (Hurgo e Amo). Co-produção da Livro Falante com a Editora DCL.

Data de lançamento19 de jan. de 2023

Jonathan Swift

Born in 1667, Jonathan Swift was an Irish writer and cleric, best known for his works Gulliver’s Travels, A Modest Proposal, and A Journal to Stella, amongst many others. Educated at Trinity College in Dublin, Swift received his Doctor of Divinity in February 1702, and eventually became Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin. Publishing under the names of Lemeul Gulliver, Isaac Bickerstaff, and M. B. Drapier, Swift was a prolific writer who, in addition to his prose works, composed poetry, essays, and political pamphlets for both the Whigs and the Tories, and is considered to be one of the foremost English-language satirists, mastering both the Horatian and Juvenalian styles. Swift died in 1745, leaving the bulk of his fortune to found St. Patrick’s Hospital for Imbeciles, a hospital for the mentally ill, which continues to operate as a psychiatric hospital today.

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Nota: 4.483870967741935 de 5 estrelas

31 avaliações3 avaliações

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  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Maravilhoso livro cheio de aventuras fascinantes. É muito recomendável pra passar um bom momento.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Muito bom! Gostei muito da narração e dos efeitos sonoros.
  • Nota: 1 de 5 estrelas
    My rating is for errors and unwanted content
    Read this is important:
    For reasonable make not terrible things, for example to support bad things or bad pages with many bad things as bad videos and bad behavior or bad pictures to put in page to view as for example naked or half naked person or womens or girls, the head must be covered by women or girl and they must be properly (decently) dressed, and bad games or music which contain many bad things are terrible, or to put bad or not correct information is bad and alcohol narcotic drugs, various drugs and cigars It's bad for health - and this is very bad and is sin in ISLAM (true religion), and is the way for hell.
    AdBlock is a content filtering and ad blocking extension for the Google Chrome, Apple Safari Firefox, Opera, and Microsoft Edge web browsers, and better is to avoid bad advertisements or bad ads for example, by blocking bad advertisements or bad ads with other useful software (programs) in browser or in Internet.
    In some browser there is an option to block unwanted content, and other options is available.
    In many browsers is option available to turn off images or block links or pages.
    Important is to warn about errors or bad things, and to avoid this, and correct to say that must be avoided.
    Childreen or others, can maybe watch terrible (bad) things, and can learn bad things or behavior, and this leads to a disaster, and in the end it's bad.
    For reasonable make good deeds, and not bad - is good way, and avoid bad deeds.
    But the real way to paradise, is only one real religion ISLAM to accept, and ALLAH (GOD) is one real GOD only and read QUR´AN - true book - message from ALLAH (GOD).
    ISLAM is a religion of peace and never a religion of terror.
    ALLAH created the Sky, Earth, Planets, Angels, Jinns, Animals, People, and ALLAH knows everything best, he is the strongest of all.
    For deeds, we will be asked, by ALLAH (GOD).