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Jogos muito perigosos
Jogos muito perigosos
Jogos muito perigosos
E-book207 páginas3 horas

Jogos muito perigosos

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O amor pode ser um jogo perigoso.

Lara Gladstone adorava jogar... especialmente se se tratasse de sexo. Ao ver Daniel Savage, teve a certeza de que ele era como ela. Ele estava prestes a converter-se no caçador e ela na presa; e tudo indicava que ia ser uma perseguição apaixonante.
Era incrível o que aquela mulher conseguia fazer com ele, apenas com um olhar... Só desejava ter o mesmo efeito nela, queria provocar-
-lhe a mesma paixão avassaladora, o mesmo desejo arrebatador que estava a deixá-lo louco. Lara achava que tinha tudo sob controlo, mas não sabia que ele também sabia jogar...
E nunca perdia.
Data de lançamento16 de abr. de 2014
Jogos muito perigosos

Carrie Alexander

There was never any doubt that Carrie Alexander would have a creative career. As a two-year-old, she imagined dinosaurs on the lawn. By six it was witches in the bedroom closet. Soon she was designing elaborate paper-doll wardrobes and writing stories about Teddy the Bear. Eventually she graduated to short horror stories and oil paints. She was working as an artist and a part-time librarian when she "discovered" her first romance novel and thought, "Hey, I can write one of these!" So she did. Carrie is now the author of several books for various Harlequin lines, with many more crowding her imagination, demanding to be written. She has been a RITA and Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice finalist, but finds her greatest reward in becoming friends with her readers, even if it's only for the length of a book. Carrie lives in the upper peninsula of Michigan, where the long winters still don't give her enough time to significantly reduce her to-be-read mountains of books. When she's not reading or writing (which is rare), Carrie is painting and decorating her own or her friends' houses, watching football, and shoveling snow. She loves to hear from readers, who can contact her by mail in care of Harlequin Books, and by email at carriealexander1@aol.com

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    Jogos muito perigosos - Carrie Alexander

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