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O amor de Deus por um mundo pecador
O amor de Deus por um mundo pecador
O amor de Deus por um mundo pecador
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O amor de Deus por um mundo pecador

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"Porque Deus tanto amou o mundo que deu o seu Filho Unigênito, para que todo o que nele crer não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna." (João 3:16)

Neste belo texto, Charles Finney nos apresenta a grandeza do Amor de Deus pela humanidade e nos mostra a natureza e as qualidades desse amor.

O leitor poderá encontrar respostas esclarecedoras sobre a salvação em Cristo Jesus em um texto inspirado na Palavra de Deus.
Data de lançamento25 de jul. de 2016
O amor de Deus por um mundo pecador

Charles Finney

Charles G. Finney became the greatest American preacher and theologian of the Nineteenth-Century. He traveled as an evangelist and revivalist in America and abroad, served in settled pastorates, taught as a professor of theology, promoted the abolition of slavery and equal rights, helped found and served as President of Oberlin College. Just as one cannot understand the Great Awakening without studying Jonathan Edwards, one cannot understand the great revivals and the theological and social movements in Nineteenth-Century America without studying Charles G. Finney. Because Finney's teachings remained true to the Bible and common sense, his message transformed thousands.James Gilcrist Lawson wrote about Charles Finney: "The writer is inclined to regard Charles G. Finney as the greatest evangelist and theologian since the days of the apostles. Over eighty-five in every hundred persons professing conversion to Christ in Finney's meetings remained true to God. Finney seems to have had the power of impressing the conscience with the necessity of holy living in such a manner as to procure the most lasting results."Finney served Oberlin College from 1835-1875. He was Oberlin College: Professor of Systematic Theology, 1835-58; Professor of Pastoral Theology, 1835-75; Member of Board of Trustees, 1846-51; Elected President of Oberlin College, August 26, 1851; President and ex officio Member Board of Trustees, 1851-65; Died Oberlin, Ohio, August 16, 1875.Finney's writings are most easily accessible and understood in his books: "Principles of Righteousness," Principles of Peace, "Principles of Joy in the Holy Spirit;" the three volumes in Finney's Lessons on Romans.

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