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The Great Journey Blackie.
The Great Journey Blackie.
The Great Journey Blackie.
E-book354 páginas3 horas

The Great Journey Blackie.

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Sobre este e-book

Start living an exciting and dramatic journey through Brazil. You ll meet a brave black kitten named Blackie. Who was abandoned by his family in a small town in the interior of Brazil. But Blackie decided he would face all odds to regain his beloved owner, the girl Annie. But she will have the help of his great friends Circus Royale. The brave German Shepherd Samson. The good lion Majesty. The Ugly Face surly bulldog. And his beloved adoptive family. The funny clown Marmalade and his beautiful daughter Fernanda. Be sure to follow this beautiful story. Full of adventures, joys and some tears. Does Blackie will be able to find his beloved Annie, and with it, your happiness?
Data de lançamento23 de abr. de 2013
The Great Journey Blackie.

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    The Great Journey Blackie. - Olindo Simões Junior

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