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A Chave dos Portais Interiores
A Chave dos Portais Interiores
A Chave dos Portais Interiores
E-book51 páginas18 minutos

A Chave dos Portais Interiores

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Sobre este e-book

Imagine poems as portals, opening doors to awakened senses and the mysteries of existence. This is the essence of Raquel Lajes' "A Chave dos Portais Interiores," a collection of introspective poetry. Lajes navigates themes of rebirth, transcendence, and spiritual awakening through inspiring verses, guiding readers on a transformative journey. Modern archangels and elemental guardians weave through the poems, creating a unique blend of spiritual exploration and contemporary imagery. As readers traverse realms of intuition, dreamscapes, and parallel universes, "A Chave dos Portais Interiores" invites them to embark on a cosmic conversation where the vastness of the cosmos intertwines with the hidden melodies of the unknown.

Data de lançamento22 de jan. de 2024
A Chave dos Portais Interiores

Raquel Lajes

Raquel Lajes is a Portuguese poet whose words explore the intricacies of the human spirit. She untangles the complexities of existence, beckoning readers to traverse the winding paths of the heart. Drawing inspiration from Portugal's storied cultural heritage, Raquel's verses shimmer with traditional motifs and the vibrant hues of her homeland. Her poetry probes themes of love, longing, sorrow, and resilience, distilling life's poignant moments into resonant verse. Through soulful metaphors and a reverence for the beauty of language, Raquel's stirring poems awaken readers to the solace found in our shared humanity and the power of poetry to illuminate our inner landscape. Her deft turns of phrase resonate deeply, affirming our capacity for joy and transcendence. With poetic precision, Raquel's luminous writings guide readers to rediscover purpose and meaning in the world within and around us.

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    A Chave dos Portais Interiores - Raquel Lajes

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