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The Fifth Room
The Fifth Room
The Fifth Room
E-book127 páginas1 hora

The Fifth Room

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The book addresses a series of paranormal events experienced by a skeptical family who, throughout various occurrences, begin to doubt what is real or not, questioning their beliefs and awakening to the supernatural world. When they discover that the recently acquired residence had been the stage for black magic rituals and is now possibly inhabited by unknown entities. After the discovery of a hidden fifth room in the house, the family starts to believe that there might be a passage to another spiritual plane. The plot tells a captivating story that becomes increasingly mysterious. There is no main hero, only ordinary people experiencing psychic events, battling their fears, and ignorance regarding the unknown. With each chapter, the story becomes more terrifying, capturing the reader s attention even more and causing them to feel the same sensations lived and now narrated by young Marcos during his adolescence.
Data de lançamento15 de mai. de 2024
The Fifth Room

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    The Fifth Room - Celson Barbosa Aguiar

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