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Carnacki The Ghost Finder
Carnacki The Ghost Finder
Carnacki The Ghost Finder
E-book306 páginas4 horas

Carnacki The Ghost Finder

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LIVRO EM INGLÊS. Carnacki, The Ghost Finder contains nine short stories featuring the sceptical, pompous, obnoxious and opinionated Thomas Carnacki, who is a paranormal detective bent on uncovering hoaxes of bogus hautings and ghosts. But sometimes even the great Carnacki has to deal with truly horrific things that cannot be explained by reason... The following classic horror short stories are included in the book: 1. The Gateway of the Monster 2. The House among the Laurels 3. The Whistling Room 4. The Horse of the Invisible 5. The Searcher of the End House 6. The Thing Invisible 7. The Hog 8. The Haunted Jarvee 9. The find
Data de lançamento23 de jun. de 2013
Carnacki The Ghost Finder

William Hope Hodgson

William Hope Hodgson (1877–1918) was an English author whose writing spanned genres from horror to fantasy to science fiction. His best-known works are The House on the Borderland and The Night Land, a futuristic novel depicting a grim vision of an earth without sun. 

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    Carnacki The Ghost Finder - William Hope Hodgson

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