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Operação Relojoeiro: A Gurra de Eve: Heroínas da SOE, #8
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A Gurra de Eve: Heroínas da SOE

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Livro oito da série A Gurra de Eve: Heroínas da SOE

Aviso: este livro contém cenas que algumas pessoas podem achar perturbadoras.

Mimi caminhou até uma pequena mesa de jantar. Ela cobriu a mesa com papéis e mapas. “Recebemos uma mensagem de Arthur”, disse ela. “Temos ordens para uma missão de sabotagem. Temos que destruir duas armas em Le Havre.”

Nós nos juntamos a Mimi na mesa de jantar e ela apontou para o local em um mapa.

"Por que?" Eu perguntei.

“Acho”, disse Mimi, “que é para convencer os nazistas de que a invasão ocorrerá em Le Havre”.

“Talvez os nazistas vejam isso como um blefe duplo”, disse Guy, “e concluam que a invasão não ocorrerá em Le Havre”.

“Mas, na realidade”, eu disse, “talvez sim.”

“Jogos mentais,” Mimi disse. Ela dobrou o mapa e ofereceu sua papelada para Guy. “Nossa tarefa é sabotar as armas e confundir o inimigo.”

"Eu vou com você", eu disse a Guy. “Estou tomando meu lugar nesta missão.”

Guy leu as anotações de Mimi, depois as destruiu, rasgou-as em pedaços e as colocou em fogo aberto.

“Ok,” Guy disse, “você pode participar desta missão. Mas enquanto isso, Mimi, arrume um voo para Eve.”

"Por que?" Mimi franziu a testa.

“Porque,” ​​Guy disse, “ela está indo para casa.”

Data de lançamento24 de nov. de 2022
Operação Relojoeiro: A Gurra de Eve: Heroínas da SOE, #8

Títulos nesta série (1)

  • Operação Relojoeiro: A Gurra de Eve: Heroínas da SOE, #8


    Operação Relojoeiro: A Gurra de Eve: Heroínas da SOE, #8
    Operação Relojoeiro: A Gurra de Eve: Heroínas da SOE, #8

    Livro oito da série A Gurra de Eve: Heroínas da SOE Aviso: este livro contém cenas que algumas pessoas podem achar perturbadoras. Mimi caminhou até uma pequena mesa de jantar. Ela cobriu a mesa com papéis e mapas. “Recebemos uma mensagem de Arthur”, disse ela. “Temos ordens para uma missão de sabotagem. Temos que destruir duas armas em Le Havre.” Nós nos juntamos a Mimi na mesa de jantar e ela apontou para o local em um mapa. "Por que?" Eu perguntei. “Acho”, disse Mimi, “que é para convencer os nazistas de que a invasão ocorrerá em Le Havre”. “Talvez os nazistas vejam isso como um blefe duplo”, disse Guy, “e concluam que a invasão não ocorrerá em Le Havre”. “Mas, na realidade”, eu disse, “talvez sim.” “Jogos mentais,” Mimi disse. Ela dobrou o mapa e ofereceu sua papelada para Guy. “Nossa tarefa é sabotar as armas e confundir o inimigo.” "Eu vou com você", eu disse a Guy. “Estou tomando meu lugar nesta missão.” Guy leu as anotações de Mimi, depois as destruiu, rasgou-as em pedaços e as colocou em fogo aberto. “Ok,” Guy disse, “você pode participar desta missão. Mas enquanto isso, Mimi, arrume um voo para Eve.” "Por que?" Mimi franziu a testa. “Porque,” ​​Guy disse, “ela está indo para casa.”


Hannah Howe

Hannah Howe is the bestselling author of the Sam Smith Mystery Series (Sam's Song, book one in the series, has reached number one on the amazon.com private detective chart on seven separate occasions and the number one position in Australia). Hannah lives in the picturesque county of Glamorgan with her partner and their two children. She has a university degree and a background in psychology, which she uses as a basis for her novels.Hannah began her writing career at school when her teacher asked her to write the school play. She has been writing ever since. When not writing or researching Hannah enjoys reading, genealogy, music, chess and classic black and white movies. She has a deep knowledge of nineteenth and twentieth century popular culture and is a keen student of the private detective novel and its history.Hannah's books are available in print, as audio books and eBooks from all major retailers: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, Kobo, iBooks, etc. For more details please visit https://hannah-howe.comThe Sam Smith Mystery Series in book order:Sam's SongLove and BulletsThe Big ChillRipperThe Hermit of HisaryaSecrets and LiesFamily HonourSins of the FatherSmoke and MirrorsStardustMind GamesDigging in the DirtA Parcel of RoguesBostonThe Devil and Ms DevlinSnow in AugustLooking for Rosanna MeeStormy WeatherDamagedEve’s War: Heroines of SOEOperation ZigzagOperation LocksmithOperation BroadswordOperation TreasureOperation SherlockOperation CameoOperation RoseOperation WatchmakerOperation OverlordOperation Jedburgh (to follow)Operation Butterfly (to follow)Operation Liberty (to follow)The Golden Age of HollywoodTula: A 1920s Novel (to follow)The Olive Tree: A Spanish Civil War SagaRootsBranchesLeavesFruitFlowersThe Ann's War Mystery Series in book order:BetrayalInvasionBlackmailEscapeVictoryStandalone NovelsSaving Grace: A Victorian MysteryColette: A Schoolteacher’s War (to follow)What readers have been saying about the Sam Smith Mystery Series and Hannah Howe..."Hannah Howe is a very talented writer.""A gem of a read.""Sam Smith is the most interesting female sleuth in detective fiction. She leaves all the others standing.""Hannah Howe's writing style reminds you of the Grandmasters of private detective fiction - Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler and Robert B. Parker.""Sam is an endearing character. Her assessments of some of the people she encounters will make you laugh at her wicked mind. At other times, you'll cry at the pain she's suffered.""Sam is the kind of non-assuming heroine that I couldn't help but love.""Sam's Song was a wonderful find and a thoroughly engaging read. The first book in the Sam Smith mystery series, this book starts off as a winner!""Sam is an interesting and very believable character.""Gripping and believable at the same time, very well written.""Sam is a great heroine who challenges stereotypes.""Hannah Howe is a fabulous writer.""I can't wait to read the next in the series!""The Big Chill is light reading, but packs powerful messages.""This series just gets better and better.""What makes this book stand well above the rest of detective thrillers is the attention to the little details that makes everything so real.""Sam is a rounded and very real character.""Howe is an author to watch, able to change the tone from light hearted to more thoughtful, making this an easy and yet very rewarding read. Cracking!""Fabulous book by a fabulous author-I highly recommended this series!""Howe writes her characters with depth and makes them very engaging.""I loved the easy conversational style the author used throughout. Some of the colourful ways that the main character expressed herself actually made me laugh!""I loved Hannah Howe's writing style -- poignant one moment, terrifying the next, funny the next moment. I would be on the edge of my seat praying Sam wouldn't get hurt, and then she'd say a one-liner or think something funny, and I'd chuckle and catch my breath. Love it!""Sam's Song is no lightweight suspense book. Howe deals with drugs, spousal abuse, child abuse, and more. While the topics she writes about are heavy, Howe does a fantastic job of giving the reader the brutal truth while showing us there is still good in life and hope for better days to come."

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