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Comigo ninguém pode
Comigo ninguém pode
Comigo ninguém pode
E-book68 páginas57 minutos

Comigo ninguém pode

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"Comigo ninguém pode", as narrativas sobrepõem-se entre ações trágicas e cômicas. São histórias rápidas e dinâmicas que constroem o que não há como ultrapassar, vencer. As relações humanas, o abuso dos significados e sua produção de novos sentidos. Assim uma coisa simples torna-se complexa, uma linha de ação se realiza com o intuito de levar a cabo o que se deu no início. Não há retorno, apaziguamento. A velocidade imprimida nos curtos discursos são possíveis de apropriação na forma cênica, oferecendo ações entre os vazios evidenciados do que se processa. Se um corpo cai, evidente que não há de se estatelar além do chão, o que se apresenta é o que vai acontecer desde o início.
Múltiplos atores, ações implicadas umas com as outras, sobrepostas em constante movimento.
Não há quem possa contra uma revolta internalizada à pressão e externada a modos absurdos que condizem a um formato publicitário invendável.
Há uma guerra no vácuo entre seres e coisas que buscam conceber motivos, razões e intenções nos diálogos.
Convencimentos, jogos de falsos poderes que atuam em relações reais/artificiais.

Data de lançamento9 de nov. de 2017
Comigo ninguém pode

Pedro Moreira Nt

Who I am Pedro Moreira Nt I have been a writer since infancy; my father influenced me with reasonable asks to do that the best possible, and my mother, too, read to me, I have been a writer since infancy; my father influenced me with reasonable asks to do that the best possible, and my mother, too, read to me, and at both comes a song walking my mind, sweetness and lovely goodness. I am critical of that; I desire to create a mist of essay, but my preference for poem structure and sensibility do not long of art. So, I seek romanticizing concepts and developing a new sense of literature that happens in its movement. I leave it to the reader to do part of that; they create a truthful text and can do a good book. It is the interpretation, the way, a leap beyond what a word says, transforming our lives when they share. My first writings, chronic stories, participated in my soul. It was extremely critical and sarcastic about what I saw from reality. I am talking of a fifties age period behind. In a position about what I developed, my evolution was more toward apparent expressionism and realism with wave poetical intermain. I do not know, and I am a writer by chance by life. I wait to create something more dense and fragile so that a reader can discover more insight and make the story. I write all day. I threw out many texts, books, and theatre, left at home friends, gave up on other works, abandoned along the path, and presented in different ways when it was impossible. I have not had a time in which I did not have difficulties showing my art, or I was, for some reason, prohibited from showing, or people made oyster faces and bodies, seeing down shoes, putting me out because, beyond writing, I talk. And when I speak, I create conflict with conceptualistic people. I am intervenient into the academy and ideological corpus, into radicalism free. I am more definitive when I believe in what I say and highly flexible when people do not know what I am saying. My themes are variant, and many circumstances bring me a gift, a motive to write. I wrote in Portuguese two books that I like, "Lirio" - Lille, and "O Peixinho do Pantanal" - The Little Fish from Pantanal (Wetlands), and both meant creation, jump to beyond, overcome, transformation social and personal release. From that, I wrote other books seeking to show different meanings throughout of phantasy necessary, and it to parents an...

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    Comigo ninguém pode - Pedro Moreira Nt

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