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Inteligência artificial: Robôs, aplicativos e aprendizado de máquina em poucas palavras
Inteligência artificial: Robôs, aplicativos e aprendizado de máquina em poucas palavras
Inteligência artificial: Robôs, aplicativos e aprendizado de máquina em poucas palavras
E-book35 páginas29 minutos

Inteligência artificial: Robôs, aplicativos e aprendizado de máquina em poucas palavras

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Muitas pessoas têm perguntas sem resposta sobre inteligência artificial. Hoje, a maioria dessas perguntas provavelmente será respondida. Preocupações serão abordadas e exemplos serão dados. Este livro começa com uma seção de perguntas e respostas sobre inteligência artificial.

Em seguida, passa a abranger aplicativos específicos artificialmente inteligentes, como chatbots e robótica. Essas páginas mostrarão detalhes de coisas que confundem a mente de muitas pessoas. Mas você não será deixado no escuro e aproveitará todos os benefícios desse conhecimento.

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    Inteligência artificial - John Adamssen

    Artificial Intelligence

    Robots, Applications, and Machine Learning in a Nutshell

    By John Adamssen

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Q&A about AI

    Chapter 2: Chatbots

    Chapter 3: What Is Robotics?

    Chapter 4: The Future of Robots

    Chapter 1: Q&A about AI

    Here are some things you may question, before we say anything else about Artificial Intelligence:

    1. What is the meaning of ai?

    For many years, several descriptions of ai have been suggested. Because AI comes from a complicated set of technologies, there are multiple ways to specify it. Maybe the most common and accurate way to specify it is as a way of computerized systems examining data to be able to make choices like a human would.

    Here is a definition of a.i. from European Union:

    Ai describes systems that show smart behavior: by analyzing their environment they can perform various jobs with some degree of independence to attain particular objectives.

    -- European Union

    One of the primary advantages of ai is that it can examine far more information than a human could. It can also dive deeper into the information with far more accuracy than an individual, and that makes A.I. a powerful tool for us to use as we make choices about our daily lives.

    AI is driven by data-- in fact, it could not exist without a huge amount of information. If you're thinking about using Artificial Intelligence within your own business, you should think about the types of internal and external information that you have access to, and how to find and gather additional high quality information that could be used to create Artificial Intelligence systems to perform different jobs. You may also want to see the meaning of AI by Wikipedia.

    2. Who coined the term a.i.?

    The term ai actually returns many decades, going back to the year 1955 when John McCarthy initially coined the term. The concept was so interesting that just one year later, in 1956, he joined with others to develop the very first ai conference.

    As you can imagine, at that time there was much less information available, which is essential for AI to be able to operate properly. For this reason, it has only been just recently that A.I. technologies have been able to progress into the effective tools that we see today.

    Today, the majority of the business advantages of

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