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A Fera Do Brasil
A Fera Do Brasil
A Fera Do Brasil
E-book255 páginas3 horas

A Fera Do Brasil

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Na praia de Boa Viagem, Recife, um menino porto-riquenho, órfão, sem-teto e de passado sombrio, entra em ação. Seu nome é Chunk DeLuna, e ele jamais será pobre novamente. Vinte anos mais tarde, ele é o criminoso mais poderoso do Brasil, proprietário de uma grande construtora e está encarregado de construir um estádio para a Copa do Mundo e as Olimpíadas. Com a aproximação das Olimpíadas, os obstáculos se acumulam para DeLuna: protestos populares, o temor do Zika vírus, a ameaça oculta de um rio subterrâneo, o COI e a FIFA não querem realizar jogos em seu estádio. Ao mesmo tempo, o amor de DeLuna, Lívia, começou a questionar seus valores e motivações para continuar ao lado dele. Chunk DeLuna, a Fera do Brasil, está à beira do abismo!
Data de lançamento13 de jul. de 2016
A Fera Do Brasil

T.R. Connolly

BECOMING AN AUTHOR:Most writers complete their careers before then turn 70. I'm a little different, I've got a lot of stories bottled up and they seem to want to come out now that I'm 71. You know what they say, 70 is the new 50. They could lower that a bit and I'd be comfortable. But seriously, this is not a bad age to begin writing. You learn a lot in 70 years and if you can put a sentence together you can probably get a good story told.After we curtailed the business, the stories started coming out. Why then? Probably because I had a fairly singular focus on making a living and supporting my family. "The Adored" is first book to get completed from that stream of stories; there are two more novels nearing completion and a book of short stories.PROFESSIONAL CAREERThomas R. Connolly was Managing Partner, Thundercloud Consulting Group and formerly an executive consultant in IBM's Higher Education Consulting Group. He aided organizations in aligning their business processes with their strategy. He is an employee relations expert with significant experience in HR re-engineering, policy and organization development, and employee/management communications. His article, "Transforming Human Resources", was the cover story of the June 1997 issue of Management Review.Mr. Connolly's prior IBM roles include Principal, Organization Change Competency, IBM Consulting Group. Mr. Connolly co-developed IBM's Organization Change methodology, developed IBM's worldwide Organization Change Competency team, taught the Competency team the methodology and mentored the team on assignments with clients. He also developed the Organization Change Intellectual Capital (IC)) team and built the initial IC data base. Previous to that assignment Mr. Connolly was Program Director, Human Resources Development, IBM corporate staff. He was project manager for IBM's human resource re=engineering efforts and was also responsible for the HR organization having the capabilities required by line management.Mr. Connolly attended Northeastern University, where he majored in management. He completed his master’s degree in Organization Development and Human Resources at Manhattanville College. From 1995 through 1997 Mr. Connolly served as president of the Human Resources Futures Association. He was a member of the management advisory committee for Binghamton University's School of Management.COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT:-Mr. and Mrs. Connolly funded the high school education of 40 boys from Accra, Ghana-Mr Connolly created and taught a Management Development Program for the Chicago Urban League executive team.-Mr. and Mrs. Connolly endowed a scholarship program at Catherine Laboure School of Nursing, Dorchester, Ma. to support single working mothers seeking a career in nursing.

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