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Instante Agudo
Instante Agudo
Instante Agudo
E-book63 páginas27 minutos

Instante Agudo

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Instante agudo é o momento em que a poesia pisca, e o poeta joga a isca, tentando captura-la. Instante agudo está na cara. Não é coisa rara de se ver. É o banal, transformando-se em coisa real (ou não).
Data de lançamento22 de out. de 2021
Instante Agudo

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    Pré-visualização do livro

    Instante Agudo - A.j. Cardiais

    The Clandestine Literature Movement


    C:\Users\win 7.2\Pictures\Corujada\coruja logotipo.jpg


    Indigestible poems

    Other publications of A.J. Cardiais:

    In the company of the verses

    In the frontiers of imagination I write, therefore I am

    Poetry in the menu

    The dream entrepreneur

    A.J. Cardiais

    Indigestible poems

    1ª  edition


    Independent Editor

    Salvador - Bahia

    Copyright by A.J. Cardiais



    Indigestible poems

    Cover: KDP

    Cover image: A.J. Cardiais


    ISBN: 9798686307148

    The texts in this book are registered under Creative Commons.

    Copying, distribution and execution are authorized provided the name of the author is cited.

    Sorry for the mistakes, because unfortunately I do not know how to speak English, nor do I have the money to pay a translator. I'm using Google Translate to translate my poems. Readers should know that translating a poem is very difficult. The translator must master the language and culture of the country to which he is translating the poem, in order to convey the what the poet is trying to say in. And this is very difficult. So it is very bold of me to publish a book having as a translator Google. But that, for the creator of Google Translate, must be worth a lot. Especially if the readers can understand me.

    Once again sorry and thank you.

    The author


    The crime                                    11

    To repair                                    12

    Insignificant sonnet                        13

    Focused on the top                        14

    Poetic philosophy                        15

    What I am                               16

    Literary game                              17

    Nobody knows more than anyone            18

    Have mercy                              19

    Wanderings                              20

    Xote of liberation                        21

    The mother of everything                  22

    Political esbornia                         23

    Just wishing you isn't enough                  24

    Blackness                                    25

    Misplaced verses                              26

    Fatal attraction                              27

    Freedom of expression                        28

    Poetizing the moment                        29

    The lack of love                              30

    A dilemma                              31

    Poet cover                              32

    Enemy of reality                              33

    From today for to tomorrow                  34

    Experiments                              35

    Wabting about me                        36

    Merchant                                    37

    With sugar and salt                        38

    Everything sometimes                        39


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