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Stress has been a word that has been used almost daily by most people. People are stressed on their jobs, in their relationships, about money, regarding illnesses, about their children and concerning their life’s circumstances. Yet, the perception seems to be that stress is some- thing minor, that will not have a harmful effect on most people. How- ever, this perception is far from the truth. Stress can affect all of us in multidimensional ways including mentally, emotionally, physically and, most certainly, spiritually. This book highlights some of the stress of: Abraham—the father of the faith, King David—the man after God’s heart, Elijah—the prophet who called fire and rain from the skies, Apostle Peter—the man who people were healed by, allow- ing his shadow to be cast upon them, Apostle Paul—the servant who establishes multiple churches through his missionary work, and Jesus Christ—who gave us salvation through His death. Stress: Overcoming Real-Life Issues with God, highlights their stressors and the tools they used to help them overcome the grasp of their life’s situations.
Data de lançamento15 de out. de 2014

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    Stress - Dr. Steven Haymon

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