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Do we know anyone who isn’t experiencing stress? Can prominent positions guarantee a life with minimum stress? Perhaps inheriting a great sum and having money to travel, buy things and never worry about paying another bill will assure our avoiding stress. Maybe associating with influential pastors, presidents or CEOs will reduce our stress. Truth is, there’s no such thing as a life without stress unless God shields our minds to keep stress from determining our outcomes. He makes sure that our challenges help us grow and develop total dependency on Him. Many of us use distractions to rid ourselves of the feelings associated with stress. We stop going to work, isolate from loved ones, shut down and hide, drink too much, abuse drugs, overeat — anything to comfort ourselves. Exercising is a good stress reliever as long as it’s not too much exercise in an attempt to stimulate endorphins to feel differently. People who obsessively exercise do so at the cost of neglecting family, avoiding responsibilities and possibly injuring themselves.
Data de lançamento25 de set. de 2014

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    Stress - Dr. Steven Haymon

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